Course Descriptions
Digital Tools
An introduction to technologies for the library media center and classroom. Basic skills are developed in operation of equipment, independent solving of technology problems, production of print, graphic, and interactive electronic media, and creation of learning environments that take full advantage of the new technologies.
Students need learning environments that require them to think critically, solve problems, and work collaboratively using technological tools.
In this information-rich, multimedia world, students must learn to manage information, critically understand information in various formats and support their own arguments with appropriate evidence in multiple formats: text, graphics, motion, animation, sound, etc.
They must learn to both create the pieces and form them into a whole -- logically organizing the evidence in a linear or nonlinear fashion.
Finding and Using Information / Virtual Libraries
The course introduces basic theory and professional practice, and the tools, information resources and problem solving strategies used by professionals to: connect users of the library with the information they seek; provide associated services; and evaluate efficacy.
Reference and information service invites curiosity and supports the development of knowledge in the community
Learn to discern and answer questions, and support interests, inquiries and investigations.
For those professionals who get hooked, it really IS about inspiring dreams, sparking curiosity and solving problems.
Consider the importance of conversations in the collaborative development of knowledge.
Explore the developing world of digital libraries and librarianship in networked environments.
Participate in developing a collaborative and customizable library environment.
Reflect on the interrelated roles of librarians, teachers, students and expert sin a world of virtual libraries and virtual learning environment.
Organizing Information
Understand different approaches and systems currently used for organizing items in libraries.
Acquire practical knowledge of rules, standards, and tools used for bibliographic description and control, classification, and subject/content access.
Young Adult Literature
Examine the range of print and mediated literature available to young adults.
Discuss criteria for evaluation, selection, and guidance in use to meet both student and curriculum uses.
Develop appreciation for the literature through experiences in reading, viewing, and classroom reporting.
Children’s Literature
Study literature and media for Early Childhood PreK-6.
Emphasis on evaluating, selecting, and presenting materials related to the interests and needs of children and the curriculum.
Information Literacy
Become confident in your own ability to find, evaluate, use, create and communicate information and knowledge.
Apply strategies to effectively teach this process to all students at all levels.
Support inquiry-based learning.
Model and promote collaborative planning with other educators.
Incorporate knowledge of learners and learning to design and implement authentic, inquiry-based learning experiences that engage students' interests and develop their ability to carry out inquiry, think critically, gain and share knowledge, and manage information supported by appropriate digital tools and resources -- enabling members of the learning community to become effective users of ideas and information (AASL Standards).
Lead a school in developing a curriculum that systematically builds 21st century skills in students.
Have the opportunity and tools to examine and reflect on alternative ways to conceptualize classroom curriculum and instruction that integrates inquiry and technology in light of current research and the changing world.
Library Administration
Pre-requisite for the Leadership course.
Develop entry level concepts for the maintenance, management, and evaluation of school library media centers and services.
Address overall administrative issues such as selection and collection policy development; advocacy; personnel; budget and the Common School Fund; facilities; programming; collaboration; the instructional leadership role of the school librarian, and more.
Library Administration is a pre-requisite.
As the world of information, the needs of 21st century learners, the resources and tools they use, and formal and informal learning environments are rapidly changing, school library and technology programs must evolve into a learning commons that supports collaborative, student-driving learning.
Engage in a seminar that examines administrative and leadership issues, policies, and practices pertinent to operation of effective information, media and technology programs in schools and districts, building on the knowledge and skills mastered in the Library Administration course.
Competencies covered include leadership skills, legal and ethical issues, staffing issues, managing multiple facilities, advocacy, grant writing, and staff and professional development.
Required for initial license students only.
Practice writing lesson plans which you will try out during pre student teaching field experience.
Practicum or Student Teaching
Taught at/by home campus.
Practicum for add-on license students.
Student Teaching for initial license students.
Student will design and carry out projects in the field to demonstrate 1902 competencies.