Cooperative Policies
Attendance at on-campus sessions: Attendance at all on-campus sessions is mandatory. If a student knows of an existing conflict with the on-campus session, they should not register for the course that semester.
Payment of distance fee: The distance fee must be paid each semester to one's home campus. Failure to pay the distance fee will put a hold on a student's account and prevent registration for future courses until it is satisfied.
Staying in good financial standing with campus: An outstanding account balance will prevent a student from registering for a course.
Withdrawal from a course: A student withdrawing from a class must notify both the course instructor and Lex Shuhmacher. He or she must then officially withdraw from the course through the home campus. Refunds are subject to the timeline and policy of the home campus.
Registration for courses at least one week before start of class:
Active Cooperative students will receive an email approximately six weeks before the start of a semester.
The student is responsible for notifying Lex Shuhmacher that he or she intends to register for the course as soon as possible.
Once notified, Lex Shuhmacher will reserve a spot in the course for this student up to the maximum student enrollment. Enrollment is on a first-come, first-serve basis, so it is to a student's benefit to do that as soon as the email is received. Students are also responsible for checking their university email, as this is the main means of communication.
The student will receive notification on how to register for the course at the home campus.
The student must register for the course one week before the start of the course. Non-registered students run the risk of losing their place to someone on a waiting list. NOTE: Start dates for the course may not coincide with campus semester start dates.
Failure to complete a course: See policies of the home campus
GPA requirement: See the home campus for detail
Absence for religious excuse: See UW System Administration Policy UWS 22.03
Academic misconduct: See UW System Administration Policy UWS 14.03
Campus Policies
In addition to policies of UWSSLEC, applicable policies include both UW System policies and those set at your home institution. Campus policies on graduate admissions, grades, grievance, evaluations, catalogs, absences, and withdrawals are applicable to your program and should be consulted.