Technology Requirements

University Email

You are required to use your university email address. If you do not check this address, set up email forwarding so you still receive your university emails.


  • Monitor:

    • Resolution: 1024 x 768 or greater

    • Size: At least 15” display recommended

  • RAM: 8 GB minimum

  • Hard drive: 256 GB minimum

  • Processor speed: 2GHz minimum

  • 100/1000 Ethernet card and/or 802.11 n/ac wifi card

  • Headphones with microphone

    • Earbuds, USB, wireless or Thunderbolt microphone with headset

    • Videoconferencing, especially with a large group, works better with headphones

  • Sound card

  • Operating system:

    • Windows: Most Recent

    • Mac: Most Recent

  • Requirements of course management system:

  • At minimum, you must have personal administrator rights to download and install software and a personal user space. To connect to wifi when on campus, you will need administrator rights.


You will need various software applications for different courses. The following may be required for some courses:

  • Adobe Acrobat Reader (most recent version):

  • Microsoft Office (most recent version) OR G-Suite (must share with class and instructor)

  • Additional software may be required for specific classes

    • Purchase

    • Download demo versions

    • Register / subscribe to online software / services for brief periods

  • Virus protection such as McAfee

  • Plug-ins required for some classes

    • Real Player

    • QuickTime Player

    • Adobe Flash Player

    • Windows Media Player

Additional software and plugins may be required for specific classes. You must have administrator rights to download and install software, extensions, plugins, etc.


  • Recommended: most recent version

    • Chrome 88 or higher

    • Firefox 85 or higher

    • Edge (Windows): 88 or higher

    • Safari (Mac): 13 or higher

    • NOTE: Internet Explorer is not recommended

  • Cookies enabled

  • Javascript enabled

  • Java Plug-in (needed for Conferences in Canvas, will not work in Chrome):

Flash 28 or higher may be needed to record or view audio / video (Doesn’t work on iOS devices):

Home Internet

  • You must be able to access the course from your home. Filters in schools, and often public libraries are too restrictive and block necessary items, tools, and communication. You must be able to download and install software on the computer you use as well as search the Internet in an unfiltered mode.

  • Access from home requires broadband: DSL, cable, cellular, satellite


It may be difficult do the entire program using just a tablet device or on a laptop issued by your employer