General Support

Disability & Well-being

Staying healthy, looking after yourself and feeling good are important at any time of life, but particularly while you are a student. UWS have a range of services to support you during your studies and help you achieve success 

Disability Support

Every student should be able to experience the full range of the university’s activities. If you have a disability, a long-standing medical condition or a specific learning difficulty such as dyslexia, the Disability Service can help you make the most of your time at UWS. 

Need advice? To arrange a meeting with an Adviser please contact us by completing the Student Support Request Form (Word). 

Please return your completed form to: You can also submit your completed form in person at the Student Hub on your campus. 

You can see our full Disability Service Privacy Statement here. 

Personalised Support

Our advisers can work with you to develop the right support for lectures, individual study and assessments.  Specific learning difficulties include conditions such as dyslexia, dyscalculia and dyspraxia. 

Most students with a specific learning difficulty will find these resources meet their needs. But if you feel you need extra support, please contact us by completing a request form. 

We also offer assistive technology, click here to download our study support tools guide to see what we have to offer.

Counselling & Wellbeing

The Counselling and Wellbeing Team are here to help you look after your mental and emotional wellbeing. Whether you are currently going through a difficult period, or simply want to get the best out of your time at UWS, we are here for you.  Our services are free, confidential, and available to all UWS students. 

Here are some quick links:

Check out more about our services below.

As we adjust to studying from home, we wanted to share a selection of tips and advice to help our students look after their physical and mental well-being. 

To help you out, UWS has pulled together this roundup of ways to get the most out of studying from home. View our selection of advice and tools that you may find helpful in relieving stress, and improving overall health and productivity in your day-to-day life.

In addition to the range of support offered within UWS, there are many other external organisations willing to listen and offer confidential help:

There is more to EXPLORE...

Personal Tutoring




Funding Advice


International Advice

Photo by Toa Heftiba (Personal Tutoring) / Annie Spratt (Employability) / Micheile Henderson (Funding) / Kyle Glenn (International) on Unsplash
Title Image: Photo by Magdalena Smolnicka on Unsplash