Academic Support

Understanding your Results

This section provides you with information on your module and programme results, e.g. whether you will need to resit an assessment or re-attend a module, etc.

Your Results

Where can I access my module results

Students can check feedback and initial results from an assessment on Aula:

If you have forgotten or don't know your login details, you should contact the Hub. 

Finalised grades can all be viewed and accessed by logging into Self Service Banner:

You will also be able to use the same screen to see the decision of the SBE (School Board of Examiners), which will show you whether you are eligible to progress to the next stage of your programme; whether you are eligible for an award; or whether you are required to undertake re-assessments.

When will my results be available?

Your lecturer or tutor will inform you of the length of time until your grades release date. However generally:

Will the results be sent to me by post?

No, your results are posted on your self-service banner. You will receive an email from registry with your next stage instructions. All students should access their module results and progression / award decision on-line via Self Service Banner. 

What do I do if I cannot access the information?

You contact the HUB at straight away. Or Call on WhatsApp at 0141 848 3998 

What do my module results mean?

Module marks and grades are determined by combining the scores you receive on various assessments into a single percentage mark. This mark is then matched with a corresponding grade. However, in certain cases, some modules may not have specific marks or grades. Instead, your performance will be recorded as either a 'pass' or 'fail' based on whether you meet or do not meet the required standard set by the assessment criteria for that module. 

All student work that contributes to a module mark and grade is assessed according to the following standard marking and grading scheme. Click here, to view the marking the marking and grading scheme in section 7.4.

If you have not passed you may receive:

How do I understand decision codes on banner? 

Here are the codes and definitions here to help you understand:

What is a Grade Point Average (GPA)?

When you complete a module at UWS you will receive a mark expressed as a percentage. This mark is associated with a grade. Grade Point Average (GPA) is a way of calculating your average mark over your degree. It is a way of showing your overall level of achievement in your programme. Since 2016/17, a Grade Point Average (GPA) is applied to your result. For example, a mark of 65% would mean a grade of B1 and a grade point score of 2.5. 

Click here, to view the GPA booklet.

Who should I contact if I have questions about my results?

If you have any questions about your examinations or coursework results, you should contact your School office at  in the first instance. or your programme leader ,If you continue to have problems or queries, the Hub can be contacted at Or Call on WhatsApp at 0141 848 3998 

What if I failed an Assessment?

There is not necessarily anything to worry about, you may have the opportunity to resit your assessment during the next opportunity:

More information on supporting your resit can be found HERE.


What is an appeal?

A student appeal is defined as a request to review a decision of an academic body charged with making decisions on student engagement, assessment, progression, awards, and student disciplinary cases. 

Click here for more information.

What are the possible outcomes if I appeal?

The Senate Appeals Committee is different from an Examination Board. It cannot recommend giving you an academic award. So, if your appeal is successful, it won't change your assessment result from a fail to a pass.

 The only option you have is to re-sit the exam or submit your work again. If your appeal is not accepted, the original decision and any penalties will remain in place. 

Click here to find out more. 

What should I know before submitting an appeal?

The following information applies to all students who wish to submit an academic appeal:

Further assistance can be obtained from the Student Hub or Link on each campus or the Students’ Association.

Click here for more information.

What are my rights & responsibilities if I submit an appeal?

You have the right to expect the following: 

You have the responsibility to:

Click here to find out more.

How do I submit an appeal?

A student must submit their appeal electronically to, including any evidence or documents supporting their appeal.

The operation of any penalty decided by one of the committees/panel noted above may be suspended pending the determination of the appeal. The student will be notified in writing if the penalty is to be suspended. 

If a student fails to submit an academic appeal within the timescale, the appeal may exceptionally be considered at a later date. (Provided there are compelling reasons why it could not be submitted on time and these are detailed in full with supporting evidence at the time of submission). 

Click here to access the appeal booklet for more help in submitting an appeal

General FAQ

I still don't understand my results. Who can I go for help?

Programme leader, education guidance advisors (Laurie / Renu), UWS union (contact advice workers):

Scottish Campus -

London Campus -

UWS union (contact advice workers)  

Barbara Robertson -

Katie O'Gorman -

 I think my grade is incorrect or unhappy with a grade.

Contact your programme leader or you can appeal. If you are not sure whether your concern should be considered as an appeal or as a complaint, you can contact for advice.

But If you have any queries regarding your results, please contact your School on the appropriate telephone number/e-mail address listed here.

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Supporting your Resits/ECS

Our Academic Rules

Photo by Sebastian Pichler (Rules) / Michael Rodock (Support) / Bench Accounting (Resits) on Unsplash
Title Image: Photo by UX Indonesia on Unsplash