
UWC East Africa Transcript Request (Not for College/University admissions purposes.)

Please complete this form at least FOUR weeks (when school is in session) before your deadline.

College Research Spreadsheets to Get You Organized

Applications have a lot of requirements and hidden costs. This spreadsheet has you enter the majors, the requirements, and the costs. It calculates as they add up. Please look at the Financial Aid Resources under the U.S. applications section if you should have further questions, or make an appointment with your University Counselor. Try to research first so that you ask good questions.

Here is the link to the spreadsheet. It will force you to make a copy.

Teacher Brag Sheet

By completing this Teacher Brag Sheet (this link will force you to make a copy) you will inform your teachers about what's wonderful about you. They will learn more about your interests, hobbies, and involvement at school. The more specific details you can give us, the more thorough your college recommendation will be. This form will also help you construct a resume, and assist you in the entire college application process, especially in preparing for interviews and writing admission essays.

 Teachers will often ask that a Brag Sheet be uploaded in Maia Learning when a teacher reference request is made. 

Counselor Brag Sheet 

To assist the University Counselors in completing their counselor recommendation, please complete this form.  (The link will create a copy of the template for you to save.)