June 2020

Volume 46, Issue 5

Poison and Delights

7 Things We Hate Like Poison

  1. Not being able to have final assembly in the gym

This was going to be one of the few assemblies that I wasn’t on my phone. :( - Madi

  1. Allergies

Right now the B in BFF stands for Benadryl. - Madi

Unstoppable force (my desire to enjoy the nice weather) meets immovable object (pollen...). - Sonia

  1. The 63 bus

Haven’t ridden it in months. Still hate it. - Madi

Its specter haunts my dreams to this day. :/ - Sonia

On the flip side, missing the normalcy of taking transit & being in crowds - Angela

  1. No AC

I like 20 degrees, not 30 degrees. - Madi

I mean, at least we’re not at Humbert. - Sonia

  1. Humbert

Idk, I’m gonna miss that little old Catholic elementary school. Just kidding. - Madi

  1. Our school year being cut short

It still hasn’t registered that my last day of high school was some random Friday in March. - Madi

:((( - Sonia

And the beginning of the new one potentially on Zoom too :’( - Angela

  1. The End of High School

Hasn’t really sunk in yet … I’ll get back to you on this one. - Madi

7 Things In Which We Delight

  1. The sunny weather

Finally changing my sweatpants to sweatshorts! - Madi

Finally!!!! - Sonia

!!!!!! - Angela

  1. House events keeping our spirits up!

Go Crawford!! <333 - Madi

Althouse FTW - Sonia

  1. Our staff team <3

Thanks for all your support this year guys, we’ll miss you. :’) - Madi

Sorry for all the scary reminder emails, I swear we secretly love you. :D - Sonia

Thank you for submitting lovely pieces throughout the year & dealing with our tight deadlines !! - Angela

  1. The end of summatives

I’d like to formally apologize to my teachers for the quality of my work … at least it’s over. - Madi

I don’t know what to do with myself. - Sonia

The last Google Classroom submission of all time! - Angela

  1. UTS students speaking out against racism

To Deaja, Leyat, Captains, and everyone else who has contributed to the discussion. Thank you. - Madi

To everyone who has signed a petition, donated, protested, or even just informed themselves: thank you for doing what you can. - Sonia

Thank you so much to everyone who has contributed and who continues to do so -- remember that this is a movement, not just a moment! <3 - Angela

  1. Free time!

As some tweet I read once said “Netflix isn’t the same without a deadline hanging over you.” - Madi

I still don’t know what to do with myself. - Sonia

Finally getting to watch all the shows I’ve been eyeing on Netflix :-) - Angela

  1. The SSAT Book Drive

Loving student-led initiatives to promote diversity in our school! - Madi

A really great idea! Looking forward to seeing all of the positive changes that will be made in the future :) - Sonia

^^ <3 - Angela

The Ubiquitous Mouth

TUM: What's an excuse for not turning your camera on during online class?

  1. William Szeto, S5: I don't have a camera, and it doesn't work, and it's already on.

  2. Elliot Tseng, M3: I'm too ugly lmao (TUM’s note: see Nathan Yang’s answer to the fourth question!)

  3. Alex Lau, S6: Lack of self-care has led to the development of Medusa-esque attributes which could lead to disastrous consequences for the entire class

  4. Serena Suleman, M3: I’m, like, always eating.

  5. Nathan Yang, F1: My pet fish was drowning and I had to save it

  6. Liv Laiken, S6: I’m a vampire, so I don’t show up on film anyway.

  7. Joseph Yu, M4: Sir, 90% of my wall space is taken up by anime girl posters.

  8. Jonathan Friedberg, M4: "Technical difficulties"

  9. Jaden Li, M4: Owning a windows 95

TUM: What are you thankful for right now?

  1. Edie Huo, F2: Netflix, Disney+ and Youtube

  2. Matas Keras, S6: The fact that everyone I know is safe

  3. Jessie Chen, M3: NO COMMUTE

  4. Sophia Wang, F2: The excess of eggs and flour I have.

  5. Nathan Yang, F1: Being able to spend more time with my family

  6. Liv Laiken, S6: Bubble tea delivery

  7. Jonathan Friedberg, M4: TUM. It just feels blissfully normal.

TUM: Let's use our SSAT skills for a sec. "Online school" is to "normal" as…

  1. Edie Huo, F2: Bubble tea is to hot

  2. Anna Reso, M3: I don't have the brain cells required to form an analogy, I've been busy with summatives.

  3. Samantha Lee, M4: UTS students is to no homework

  4. Alex Lau, S6: "2020" is to "a year without a series of unfortunate misadventures"

  5. Serena Suleman, M3: “UTS” is to “Humbert”

  6. Sophia Wang, F2: "The 63" is to "fast"

  7. Feifan Yang, S6: Bold for you to think I understood anything on the SSAT

  8. Nathan Yang, F1: "End of year summatives and tests" is to "Not stressful"

  9. Liv Laiken, S6: “Grey’s Anatomy” is to “a good show”

  10. Crystal Li, M3: "I" am to "productivity".

  11. Cathy Liao, S5: "I" am to "functioning like a proper human being"

TUM: What's a small action that everyone can take to make the world a better place?

  1. Edie Huo, F2: Not go outside and socialize

  2. Sophia Smith, F2: Even though it’s cheesy just be kind

  3. Samantha Lee, M4: Take action on events that you feel should be resolved aka sign petitions, donate, etc…

  4. Elliot Tseng, M3: Try to eat less meat. Not only is it good for you, but reducing the amount of livestock also reduces the amount of emissions produced.

  5. William Szeto, S5: Smile

  6. Jacob Marr, M4: Deleting unneeded photos and emails (database emissions)

  7. Nathan Yang, F1: Compliment someone. If you are reading this know that you look great :D

  8. Liv Laiken S6: Sign a petition to demand justice for lost black lives

  9. Grace Ko, F2: Give someone a genuine compliment and an air hug!

TUM: If you could invent a new viral TikTok trend, what would it be, and what would you call it?

  1. Anna Reso, M3: #ConspiracyTheoryChallenge - present your wildest, most far-fetched theory about something that's happened.

  2. Matas Keras, S6: Deleting the app. It'd be called get gud.

  3. Sophia Wang, F2: Eating out of a sugar bowl. I call it "Being Amy March".

  4. Jonathan Friedberg, M4: Deleting TikTok from your phone and leaving it a 1 star review. I'd call it "doing God's work"

  5. Erika Javornik, M4: How long can you procrastinate

TUM: What's something cool that you've heard recently?

  1. Anna Reso, M3: The Microsoft headquarters in Washington has the quietest room on Earth; the room has a background noise of -20.35 dBA

  2. Elliot Tseng, M3: "Something cool" is actually a song. I recently listened to it.

  3. Alex Lau, S6: Space colonization will become a thing in the near future. Might not be true, but it sure does sound cool.

  4. Serena Suleman, M3: It’s from Instagram, so IDK how true it is, but if you’re greater than 7ft tall, you’ve got like a 1/6 chance of being in the NBA.

  5. Sophia Wang, F2: The sound of my refrigerator (get it? cool? aight imma head out now)

  6. Ethan Jeon, F1: Dear Class of 2020, featuring BTS

  7. Jonathan Friedberg, M4: We might have commercial nuclear fusion reactors in 30-50 years

  8. Anonymous, S6: My grandfather picks up quartz and valuable onyx jewels. Send 60 dozen quart jars and 12 black pans.

TUM: What will you be doing over the summer?

  1. Sophia Smith, F2: Sleeping

  2. Alex Lau, S6: Eat a lot of food and hibernate. Oh, you said *summer* plans? Eat food and aesternate.

  3. Jonathan Friedberg, M4: Getting very familiar with the feeling of not having anything to watch on Netflix.

  4. Many others: Nothing.

TUM: Write a short diss track for COVID-19. It deserves it :(

  1. Anna Reso, M3: I hope you step on a lego barefoot >:(

  2. Sophia Wang, F2: "DissTrack.exe" has stopped working. Error: Too much content.

  3. Jaden Li, M4: Coronavirus more like corona sucks virus.

Feifan Yang, S6:

COVID sucks yuh yuh

I'd rather go stand on the 63 bus 10 minutes before school starts i am not joking please end this @ceo of COVID-19

Samantha Lee, M4:

Yo its 2019,

Let's not be too mean...

It's that one year before,

The awful COLD war

named COVID-19.

Nathan Yang, F1:

Covid-19 we've heard a lot about you

Worldwide pandemic, huh?

Pretty cool, but not as cool as we think you are

I hear people be spending good money for ya

I think you're scared

You see, we already got ya all figured out

You're out here still tryna make us shout

This and that and exponential growth

You've had your fun get ready to go home

You don't know but you're already done

My friend, this has only just begun

Heed our warning, get outta here

If you don't we'll be the end of your career!

Erika Javornik, M4:

covid 19!


its mean!

do you even have a spleen!

I go to school through a screen!

everyday I wear jeans!

I am a teen!

covid 19

is mean!!

and scene.