Volume 46: 2019-20

Volume 46, Issue 1

Cuspidor starts the year off with a fall cafe-themed issue!

Relax at your favourite coffee shop while you read articles on Stoicism, climate action, what to do for fun this month, caffeine at UTS, beauty standards, procrastination, and more!

This issue also includes welcome-back messages from Captains and House Prefects.

Volume 46, Issue 2

Cuspidor's second issue is winter-themed, featuring articles on the Trump impeachment, how we make habits, how language works, and whether or not UTS should implement a pass-fail system, among other things.

Check out the horoscopes to figure out the best way for your sign to relax over the holidays, and the TUM for some holiday-themed questions and answered!

Volume 46, Issue 3

In our first issue of the decade, we focus on the COVID-19 pandemic and how UTS students are responding to it.

Also, watch two of our columnists debate the issue of rent control, and then have some important questions answered, like: Why are you jealous of your friends? Why does going to school in the winter always feel terrible? Why are we scared of black cats?

Volume 46, Issue 4

In our Disney-themed Junior Cuspidor, we feature an in-depth look at Keeping Up With the Kardashians, a guide to modelling epidemics, and advice on getting through a long quarantine with your sanity intact.

Check out Dr. Swagger if you're wondering whether to marathon Pirates of the Caribbean, or read our special features if you're looking for a different kind of Disney movie. All that and many more high-quality articles await in our latest issue.

Volume 46, Issue 5