June 2020

Volume 46, Issue 5

Dr Swagger ... Wendy Huang!

Question: How much longer does quarantine have to last? - “Bored”

Hi Bored,

If you want your life to resume as normal - the solution is simple. Try to limit non-essential trips out of your home. When you do leave, engage in physical distancing of at least 2 meters (6 feet) apart, wear a face mask, and clean/disinfect your hands often.

Though the circumstances of quarantine aren’t the best, there are positives. Instead of going out, stay home and reconnect with old friends through social media, text, e-mail, or video. Check in on those that matter to you and continue discovering ways to connect. Paradoxically, physical distancing is bringing us closer. Furthermore, you can spend more time at home with your family and explore new passions. It’s giving people more time to figure out who they are and what’s significant to them.

As the saying goes, we are all in this together. The world has been slapped with this unprecedented crisis that can only be mitigated through proper social distancing. Do your part by following regulations so we can end this as quickly as possible.

Hope this helps,

Dr. Swagger

Miss Advised ... William To!

Question: Dear Miss Advised,

I’m having trouble saying goodbye to my friends as I’m moving away soon. Do you know how on Earth to perform such a heinous crime.


A Reluctant Mover

Dear Mover,

What an absolutely moving question (I JUST came up with that as I write this). Moving is hard to do. Whether it is moving away, moving on, moving up or (god forbid) down in the world, people are known to be rather stubborn creatures. So, take it from me, you’re not alone in this. What I find best to do is to spend as little time as you can with your friends, play your favourite games or watch your most hated movies, do whatever makes you content but whatever you do, do it alone. Cherishing your last few moments in your current position with your friends will only make you more upset, so you’ve got to emotionally and socially distance yourself from them ASAP! Call in sick, wear baggy jeans, whatever will drive them away from you. While this may seem like it will hurt you more in the larger scheme of things, it is better to just rip off this bandaid and throw it away rather than slowly ripping it off and saving it for safekeeping. But, if you’re still having trouble with saying goodbye, you could always try what I do and say it in another language. And with that, I must bid you adieu!

Your Always Helpful,

Miss Advised