October 2020

Volume 47, Issue 1

Captain's Welcome: Aliana

By Aliana Niezova, S6 Co-Captain

I find it kind of funny that over my three years at UTS, I’ve spent one at 371 Bloor, one at 30 Humbert, one (partly) online, and for my final year, I’ll be doing a mix of all three. In eighth grade, when I first learned that I would be going to this school, I thought the years ahead of me would be stable and perfectly organized, but that was far from what would actually happen, thanks to my two favourite things: construction and the coronavirus.

As I’m sitting here writing this, I find myself at a loss for what to say. I don’t have any classes until the end of September, there’s no Geneva Park to plan for, no co-curriculars to book rooms for, and no Commons tables to fight over… I’m not sure what the next few days, weeks, or months will look like. The only thing I can say with certainty is that I have no idea what’s going on.

Even though the world seems to have stopped in my mind, the reality is that it most definitely hasn’t. Over the last few weeks, I’ve found myself sitting in meetings with a variety of groups – staff and students – who are so passionate about ensuring this year is the best it can be. From social justice groups fighting to make the school a safer place to House execs working tirelessly to keep spirits high to StudCow reps trying to welcome new students virtually, I constantly find myself in awe of the energy that my peers have. That energy pushes me to keep collaborating, to think outside the box, and to not give up on this year.

Although we may not be able to celebrate some of our favourite UTS traditions in person, we are working hard to find ways to ensure that they still happen. We’re already racking our brains to figure out how an online co-curricular program will run smoothly, how to hold Club-O-Rama, and how to connect all students with school-wide events. We know the past few months have been difficult (and maybe boring) for everyone, so we want to ensure the school is having fun together, albeit virtually.

Another area of focus for us is equity and inclusion. Through the summer months, this topic has been in the spotlight and we have carefully reflected on both our personal experiences and our school’s atmosphere. We have been working with a variety of student and staff groups who focus on equity and inclusion and doing our best to support their incredible efforts, which we will continue to do in the future. We are also committed to continuing to have difficult conversations with staff about student experiences at UTS in order to encourage change.

Of course, more work will come as time goes on and things continue to change and develop. We’ll do our best to ensure that students are ready to adapt no matter the circumstances! The UTS community has been through so much and I’m certain that we will make it through these pandemic times as well.

Multiple minds are better than just ours, though. We deeply value student feedback and are always eager to hear it. There are many avenues for you to communicate with us – through our new website (utschools.ca/captains!), directly in our inboxes or in person, or during our StudCow meetings! We’ll be sharing our meeting information with the school soon, and we’d love to see you there. Everyone is welcome!

If we don’t end up seeing you at StudCow meetings, we hope to see you in the halls of 371 Bloor, 30 Humbert, or on our Google Meet screens. Feel free to wave, or smile through your masks. We missed you, UTS, and we wish you a great year!

With love,

Captain's Welcome: Jaden

By Jaden Lo, S6 Co-Captain

Seems like everything is weird, huh?

Well, we have quite the year ahead of us, that’s for sure. Am I nervous, you ask? A little bit. Am I excited? A WHOLE LOT! The best part is that we are only at the very beginning of our adventure. That being said, I am thrilled to be joining you all on this journey, and I can’t wait to see where this year will lead us.

UTS has always reminded me of how lucky I am. Being able to speak to incredible students and staff in addition to learning in a supportive environment; there is nothing more that a student can ask for. But what sets UTS apart from other schools is its connectedness as a single body. We are all here to grow together, each as individuals, whether it takes place in school or online. Just take a look at our current classroom situation: having students online talking to students in-class, all while a teacher manages both groups at the same time? It’s an incredible feat. And to have House, clubs, organizations, and assemblies still going on? We have so much to look forward to … and to be thankful for!

Let me tell you about my Co-Captain, Aliana Niezova … what can’t she do? She works incredibly hard, she is passionate about UTS, and she just loves browsing through old UTS memorabilia - in other words, a perfect co-captain. I am honoured to be working alongside Aliana, and I can say with certainty for the both of us that we will do our absolute best and nothing less for the school. When Aliana and I were planning for this upcoming year, we shared one common goal : transparency. Keeping the school knowledgeable about our endeavors is important, so be sure to look forward to the Stallstreet Journal, blogs about our week (utschools.ca/captains), and more!

In fact, we see this year as an opportunity. An opportunity to once again strengthen our school as a whole. Over the past couple of years, our school has seen a lot of change. Physically, we moved from 371 to Humbert and shifted from in-person learning to a hybrid schedule. Even so, every year, we’ve managed to flourish (in our own UTS way!) as a community. What can’t we do when we put our minds together?

Let’s not forget the change in our student mentality, as there are many discussions that need to be addressed in the upcoming years. There is no overnight solution to social justice, and it is our responsibility to encourage conversation so that eventually, in the years to come, we can look back and say, “we students found an answer.” To address this issue, we will be working with many different groups to initiate change at UTS. Change will come in many different forms; policies developed by student-led initiatives, events planned by StudCow, and responses to feedback.

There will be a plethora of activities accessible online as we want to ensure that every student has access to all the resources and knows when the next big event will happen!

But most of all, we want to hear from YOU.

You are all truly the reason that our school functions properly, and we need to hear your voice. Our goal is to ensure that once Aliana and I finish our journeys at UTS, it will be in proper shape for future Captains to pick up where we left off.

I look forward to hearing from you!

See you in the halls or online,

Jaden Lo


By Sophie Lynn, S6 Althouse Prefect

Over the past six months I have seen the true spirit of the Althouse Gators and UTS House system like never before. It has taken tremendous grit, hard work and dedication to get to where we are today - the start of a new school year. Although House (and everything) looks quite different this year, I am confident that Althouse will be victorious once again.

Leading the way for old and new Gators alike are your exec. Shriya Shah, a seasoned House veteran and your Lit Rep, is the best event planner and video editor I know. Edith Mak, our Athletic Rep, does. not. stop. swimming. Finally, Jason Alizadeh, our Deputy Prefect, is ready to take on any challenge coming his way. Together, as your Althouse Exec, we promise to be fiercely loyal, hard working, and most importantly, spirited beyond belief. We hope to make you proud this year.

Looking back on last year's House challenges in the Spring--the trick shot challenge and the "Are you smarter than a fifth grader?" During House Island Day, I am reminded of how resilient the UTS community is. This coming year is going to be difficult, but I have no doubt that we will be surprised once again by how amazing every Althouse Gator and member of the UTS community is.

To winning the House Cup and having some fun along the way.

With love,

Sophie Lynn

Althouse Prefect 2020-2021


By Andrea Ma, S6 Cody Prefect






Welcome to the pack cougars.

You are now part of a distinguished legacy filled with the fiercest and most passionate of them all. Following our previous victories, there is no doubt that we will once again claim the House Cup!

In Cody, we pride ourselves on being determined, strong, and courageous. Never be afraid or back down from a challenge because your fellow cougars will always be around ready to help you out. Our exceptional spirit drives us to be competitive and ultimately emerge victorious after a lengthy battle. However, I encourage each of you to keep everyone’s best interests in mind and to prioritize having fun instead of coming out on top.

The Cody executives this year are incredible. We have Christian Bergmann as your Athletic-Rep, keeping the Cody Cougars in shape. Victor Hau is your Literary-Rep, spicing up the year with different activities. Spreading positivity and spirit, your Deputy Prefect is Erika Javornik. Finally, as your Prefect, I will lead our House to victory.

As you enjoy the experiences that come your way this year, we are all here reminding you to keep your head up high, sharpen your claws, and wear your blue proudly.

With love,

Andrea Ma

Cody Prefect

PS. Don’t forget to EAT EM RAW


By Joanna Han, S6 Crawford Prefect

Gold, victorious, and bright.

Our fearless Crawfordites have yet again proven themselves to be just as brilliant and triumphant as the medals we win. Welcome back 2019-2020 House Cup winners!!

Throughout history, we’ve seen just how strong, daring, and passionate Crawford truly is. From our selfless instinct to always lend a helping hand to others to our vigilant motivation to do the right thing to our ambition to win, the integrity of our loyal and gallant knights shines bright amongst the other houses just like our beautiful gold colour.

There was overflowing spirit from all of our newly knighted F1’s this past year and I know that our incoming Crawfordites will prove to be just as valiant and resilient as the rest of our brazen and brave House members. From the beginning of our founding by the first headmaster of UTS, H.J. “Bull” Crawford, we have always demonstrated the same honour, valour, and character as knights in medieval times.

This year, I am so incredibly excited to work with Cooper Price (our deputy prefect), Ann Derham (our lit rep), and Stefania Staudohar (our athletic rep)! Our team welcomes all new and old-time knights to another year of exciting and fun House events and activities! We cannot wait to see you all!

With the recent victory on our backs and the esteemed House Cup returned to the hands of our courageous knights, I have complete faith that Crawford will come out triumphant yet again through teamwork and good spirit. Through uncertainty and confusing shifts to online platforms, I’ve seen the unwavering resilience from Crawfordites to come together and bravely take on the new challenges. Us knights must stick together if we want to win once more!

Let us continue our victory with yellow-stained hands and golden hearts! It is up to all of you to carry the title of House Cup winners into the 2020-2021 year!

While this new year may be unpredictable and different, I trust that us knights will stand heedless upon our steeds of gold. But don’t forget that the House system was made to bring students together and have fun! Your fellow knights and Crawford execs will always be here for you no matter what. Show the other Houses what you’re made of! GO CRAWFORD KNIGHTS!

With love and pride,

Joanna Han

Crawford Prefect

Crawford Knights on steeds of gold,

We’re strong and fierce and brave and bold,

Do what we want, not what we’re told,

We’ll win those fights so all behold,



By Naveed Pirouzmand, S6 Lewis Prefect

Blessed by the Nordic gods, Vikings are known for being fearless of the unknown and dominating all the lands. Strong, resourceful, spirited, and heroic; we are nothing less than the complete package. With this strength and power, how can Gators, Cougars, or Knights even be a match for us?

Last year, we fell short of the beloved House Cup. We must take back what is rightfully ours. However, a single Viking is not strong enough to ward off the other houses. Vikings are most powerful when they are together, and only as a family can they bash and destroy the enemies before them. We need ALL Vikings to stand up to the challenge.

We are the Lewis Vikings!

This name with pride we bear!

We plunder, We pillage, We conquer!

And garb of green we wear!

Upon the call of Odin,

There is no quest too tough.

For we are the Lewis Vikings!

Of brains and brawny stuff!


Odin, Thor, Hertha & Ragnarok


Name: Odin (Naveed)

Favourite Viking Activity: Concocting Grog

Favourite House Event: Oakville Drive-In <3

Athletic Rep

Name: Thor (Nick)

Favourite Viking Activity: Winning the House Cup

Favourite House Event: House Track

Lit Rep

Name: Hertha (Clara)

Favourite Viking Activity: Wearing Lewis merch

Favourite House Event: House Gingerbread

Deputy Prefect

Name: Ragnarok (Layla)

Favourite Viking Activity: Yelling our cheer

Favourite House Event: Spirit Weeks!

Principal's Welcome

By Rosemary Evans, Principal

UTS is returning to school after more than five months.

Needless to say, this will be a time filled with excitement and uncertainty. It is definitely anxiety-inducing for many of us. If you are feeling anxious please do not hesitate to let someone know—your teacher, guidance counsellor, social worker or anyone else that you feel comfortable talking with. And please, do not feel badly about being anxious. This is completely understandable in these circumstances. I feel anxious too.

You will also find that school does not feel normal. Our routines and environment have all changed and we need to give ourselves time to adjust. You may feel disappointed or even angry which is understandable.

We would love to be able to reassure you that everything is going to be just fine. In reality, all we can say is that we have worked assiduously to ensure a safe return to school. We have followed the advice of medical professionals to shape a safe environment and to develop safe routines. If you have questions, please never hesitate to ask.

If you or your family are still wondering if you should return to school, that is OK. You can learn from home. You can also gradually return. You can try out a day to see how you feel. Know that you can change your mind at any time. We are endeavouring to ensure that learning from home is a positive learning experience that engages students both with the learning and also with their teacher and classmates.

Also, remember to take care of yourself during this challenging time. It is important to get sufficient sleep, to exercise,to eat nutritious food and to follow healthy routines. When we care for ourselves we can better support others. This pandemic has truly demonstrated how interconnected we are.

Personally, I am very excited to be returning to school. I look forward to seeing all of you either online or in person. We want this to be a special school year for all of us. We invite you to share with us any ideas that you might have for keeping our community connected and for ensuring that UTS spirit is alive and well.