October 2020

Volume 47, Issue 1

Double Dead ~ Victoria Zhang


The Ubiquitous Mouth

How is the new school year?

Hilariously crazy – Sarah Ann Stiller, M3

.... still not going anywhere. *snickers again* - Sophia Wang, M3

It varies from moment to moment. - Serena Suleman, M4

Haha there goes my sleep pattern - William Wang, M4

What’s the best thing about fall?

Pumpkins, Watching people's dogs play in pretty leaves, and a pumpkin spice flavored anything - Edie Huo, M3

Stepping in half destroyed mushrooms at the cottage - Daryna Pilkew, F2

the title of sweater weather finally matches the actual weather lol –

It was Halloween, but Covid-19 happened, so- – Maya Toussi, F1

the impending arrival of winter uwu - Gabriel Tian, M3

What are your favourite foods these days?

Anything with meat tbh - Samantha Lee, S5

Jahlapeno Cheetos – Jaden Li, S5

my favorite food is rice. Mmmm. rice, rice, rice. - Braydon Zhang, M4

Honey crisp apples. So good! - Klara Wordon, F2

Pumpkins. - Amrita Veeraragavan, M3

Noodles - doesn't ever really change - William Wang, M4

How will you spend Halloween amidst the COVID pandemic?

Birdwatching - Aaron Zhou, S5

Watching christmas movies until I die - Jaden Li, S5

some quality family time <33 - Andrea Ma, S6

Wearing a hazmat suit as a costume - Layla Al-Ani, M3

I'm gonna sit alone eating candy and listening to spooky music feeling hollow inside - Sam Mazurek, S6

I don't know about you but I think the most important part of Halloween (besides making costumes) is the candy. If I can't go out with my friends wearing costumes, the least I can do is buy myself sugar and gorge on as much as my parents will let me. - Laura Wang, F1

Write us a spooky poem!

This is a poem / It is very spooky / I like spooky poems / Poems don't have to rhyme - William Waang, M4

Roses are red, violets are blue, time has no meaning, ghosts go *boo*! - Serena Suleman, M4

Spooky scary skeletons send shivers down your spine - Jaspar Bernstein, F1

Roses are red, Frankenstein is green, because of the covid pandemic, we might not have Halloween :( - Katarina Lyakisheva, F2

When the sun goes down on Halloween night, the children go out and get a fright, for the haunted house nearby, had began to hover, and then fly! (This may not be a spooky poem, but it is related to Halloween...) – Lukas Oreopoulos, F1

bold of you to assume i can write poetry. - Anna Reso, M4

What’s something you’re looking forward to?

Christmas! I love the Christmas spirit and I love buying soft pajamas pants and wearing them 24/7. - Klara Wordon, F

My birthday - Talia Simic-Lustig, F1

Summer—wait. – Serena Suleman, M4

The end of school- jkjk. Winter break- jkjk. Spirit day on Friday- and HALLOWEEN. – Maya Toussi, F1

Winter. Gods, I can't wait to have a reason to go outside (snow) – Sophia Wang, M3

Poisons and Delights


Full-day spares:

More like...full-day SLEEP —Joseph

It's like a semi-holiday —Jessica

'Among Us' (mobile game):

poison in disguise since I either DC or get killed first round ;-; —Janet

i am the worst at this game..i've walked by multiple dead bodies without seeing them and saw the imposter vent many times too but just didn't realize i have to report them.... —Wendy

Yellow is MY colour >:( —Joseph

Pretty Leaves

Yes, the fall aesthetics!! —Jessica

winter is coming —Mohammed

Sleeping in till 9 am when your cohort is online

i just move to my couch...turn off my camera and continue resting! —Wendy

3 hours of sleep becomes 5 :)) —Joseph

The only reason why my brain is still functioning —Jessica

Having half a day to do labs rather than a single hour

I still failed —Joseph

I still feel exactly the same amount of panic and confusion —Janet

Binging shows/movies

i've been trying to finish lucifer...(horrible show i know...but it's mindless entertainment!) —Wendy

Back-to-back Hololive streams (o_o) —Joseph

Bless anime, C-Drama, and K-Drama!!! <3 —Jessica

Not possible with this clusterbus of schoolwork —Janet

Online concerts/live performances

great!! :) —Wendy

It's very convenient~ —Jessica


Full-day classes

death by 2pm —Mohammed

Hey, you know what would be a great idea? If kids had to learn a whole unit in three days. That will make sure that they aren't overworked and are adequately prepared for their exams! —Janet

my poor poor eyes.....—Wendy

Music Ensembles

Apparently they may be starting up again so there's hope there —Janet

very much upset that we won't have morning senior string rehearsals....or lunch time chamber

strings rehearsals....—Wendy

Taiko T-T —Joseph

Club activities have to be online

but how to do certamen —Mohammed

ew —Janet

I want to see people's faces.... —Jessica

Not getting to see friends in the other cohort

sigh —Mohammed

So close, yet so far —Joseph


Mostly for extra curriculars -- I've been procrastinating on filling out poisons and delights —Janet


As rampant as ever.... *guilty face* —Jessica

Cuspidor deadlines

hoping no one notices when I pass the deadline —Mohammed

ooop teeheee—Wendy

We're not late if the rest of the school doesn't know we are *big brain* —Joseph

Wi-fi shenanigans

No teacher, I wasn’t sleeping in, I swear. It was my wifi! —Joseph

I actually have really good wifi--it's my mic + camera that suck —Janet

That awkward moment when you have to leave a meeting :/ —Jessica