April 2021

Volume 47, Issue 4

Advice Columns

Dr. Swagger

Dear Dr. Swagger/Ms. Advised,

My brother is leaving for university in September. I know that might seem like a long way away, but I’m dreading it every day. I’ve never gone more than two weeks, tops without seeing him, and the thought of him not being around the house anymore bums me out. How can I prepare myself for it?

Hi loving sibling,

Thank you for sharing how you’ve been feeling!

Many of us grow up surrounded by loved ones and never think about the fact that one day, one of our family members may move away. It is an incredibly burdening and difficult topic to talk about. However, I would love to provide you with some advice regarding the process.

Firstly, it is incredibly important that you talk to your brother about how you are feeling, especially since he may not be aware of your emotions. The best way to prepare yourself for his absence is by having productive conversations with him about how you guys can stay in contact with each other when he’s at university. Perhaps it can be arranging times to call each other or sending letters—whatever works for the both of you. By letting your brother know about your perspective, he can be aware to check up on you and ensure that you feel comfortable when he’s gone.

Additionally, enjoy your time with him while it lasts!! Try not to fret too much about the situation. In our digital world, you will still be able to see your brother even if it is over FaceTime calls. Remember that here are also multiple holidays throughout the year where you can reunite and spend time with him. Aside from that, focus on the present instead of the future, especially since your time with him at home is limited. During breaks from school, go on bike rides or play something as simple as a board game together (I know, how old fashioned of me to say). Especially during the summer, it’ll be the prime time for you to appreciate the last moments with your brother. I suggest going on COVID-19 friendly trips with your family to the beach, to another city, or to anywhere you desire!

Lastly, you should realize that you can never truly prepare yourself for that inevitable end because it would be a new change nonetheless and will always be difficult at first. However, if you stay positive, after a couple weeks or months, you will eventually adapt to a different home environment as you develop a slightly new lifestyle without your brother. He will always be with you and I am certain that you will be prepared for September, as long as you stay optimistic and continue communicating with him.

Dr. Swagger is out! Good luck with everything :)

Q & A

The Ubiquitous Mouth

By Jessica Yu, S5 Editor

How do you feel about the arrival of spring (and the inevitable exit of winter)?

sweater weather 2.0 😫 - Anna Reso, M4

welp me going barefoot in snow is gonna go away for the year – Daryna Pilkiw, F2

Spring Migration – Aaron Zhou, S5

no more skiing D: (well not like there was any anyways) – Will Wang, M4

I'm putting away the hats and gloves and replacing them with copious amounts of Claritin and Reactin. – Serena Suleman

What are you most/least excited for these days?

Most excited for seeing baby birds hopping around! – Edie Huo, M3

I am most excited for the next Cuspidor issue (now give me the $5 you promised to say that)! – George Wang, S5

weekends :DD – Will Wang, M4

summatives – Gabriel Tian, M3

I'm most excited for warm weather. I am not looking forward to allergy season. – Nahan Yang, F1

Tell us something interesting that has happened to you!

I saw a fox, racoon and my neighbours cat in my backyard – Emily Rong, F2

I hit my head on a fence. – Nahan Yang, F1

Welp I found out I'm a demigirl – Daryna Pilkiw, F2

I'm currently living through a global pandemic; I think that's pretty interesting. – Serena Suleman, M4

you guys have had something interesting happen to you??? – Gabriel Tian, M3

Tips on how to brave summative periods?

Don’t lose faith, hope, and love. If you remember those three things, everything should be OK! – Grace Ko, M3

you don't. – Anna Reso, M4

Fake it till you make it i guess – Gabriel Tian

focus on finishing one thing at a time – Emily Rong, F2

Ask teachers for help! – Nahan Yang, F1

If you could be another species, what would you be and why?

Canada Goose – Aaron Zhou, S5

I would be a koala, because i would be cute and fluffy on the outside, but could shred you in minutes😛🥰 – Edie Huo, M3

a quokka, for the vibes – Anna Reso, M4

probably a tardigrade, aka waterbears, they can surivie in any climate including the vacuum of space :} – Daryna Pilkiw, F2

cat cuz all my cats do is sleep and i wanna sleep D: – Will Wang, M4

a paragon falcon because they can fly fast – Emily Rong, F2