June 2019 Features

Q & A

The Ubiquitous Mouth

By Sonia Persaud, S5 Editor

TUM: What's your summer drink of choice?


Bubble tea. It shall reign superior in all seasons. - Stella Zheng, M3

Tears - Abe Wine, M3

Summer? Why, it's coca cola all year round. - Samantha Lee, M3

The Mccafe® Shamrock Shake available for a limited time only at participating McDonalds™ restaurants - Sudipta Sarkar, M3

TUM: What will you miss the most about this school year?

Ms. Howell :( - Serena Suleman, F2

Being dismissed 5 minutes earlier :(( - Margaret Lou, F1

Ms. Howell - Christina Pizzonia, M4

Not having exams. - Janice Wang, F1

The people, and all the fun we've had together - Olivia Li Ngan Sun, F1

TUM: What are you looking forward to for next year?

All the new M3's- can't wait to meet you guys! - Amelia Agrawal, F2

A spare - Sudipta Sarkar, M3

Another spare - Matas Keras, S5

Being a year older - Alex Martynov, F1

TUM: What's your favourite memory from this school year?

Wanakita cabin time had SCALDING tea. - Janice Wang, F1

Seeing endgame with an entire 1/3 of the grade - Ellie Grushcow, S6

Trying venezia custard tarts for the first time, my one and only joy in the world. - Jonathan Friedberg, M3

Going to Bang Bang with my friends - Jacob Bifolchi, F1

Going to ARML :) - Jessie Chen, F2

TUM: Tell us your summer plans!!

Aggressively do nothing, to rest up for next year. - Ellie Grushcow, S6

Not school, for one - Sarah Kim, S5

Binge watch Netflix- what else??? - Amelia Agrawal, F2

Sleep - Trinity Chung, F1

TUM: Where is your dream vacation location?

The Don Valley Parkway, it’s unparalleled - Sophia Wang, F1

If there is a swimming pool and warm weather, I will gladly go anywhere - Layla Al-Ani, F1

Tokyo because there’s so many cool things there :) - Lucy Qi, F2

Home. My home. My house. Mi casa. Chez moi. - Sudipta Sarkar, M3

30 Humbert st ;) - Lilla Mucsi, M3

Galapagos islands! - Janice Wang, F1

Antarctica - Edie Huo, F1

TUM: What's the first thing you're going to do when you finally finish your exams and summatives?

Throw out the literal tonne of papers in my backpack. - Layla Al-Ani, F1

Run to the car, speed to my house, collapse on the bed and fall asleep - Amos Dayaram, F2

...study for next year - Cate Balasubramanian, M4

LET IT BURN - Elliot Tseng, F2

TUM: What are you most proud of accomplishing this year?

Actually unironically saying "the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell" on an actual in class summative. - Jonathan Friedberg, M3

Actually having the time to fill out a TUM form - Sophia Wang, F1

Involving myself more in the UTS community. - Samantha Lee, M3

Maintaining my motivation! - Ellie Grushcow, S6

TUM: Confession time! Which bandwagon did you jump on this year: Raptors, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Game of Thrones, etc., or have you been a loyal fan from day one?

I got into Marvel after I watched Endgame :) - Jessie Chen, F2

All of the above - Sarah Kim, S5

Why watch Game of Thrones when you can just absorb the plot from your friends' incoherent rants? - Cate Balasubramanian, M4

I have fallen deeper into the anime and kpop holes. They are DANGEROUS, PROCEED WITH CAUTION. - Stella Zheng, M3

*Cough* Wdym? *Cough* None of those *Cough* - Gianna Fung, F1

TUM: Any parting words for the 2018-19 school year?

"Thank you, next" - Samantha Lee, M3

You were a mess, but we still love you. - Janice Wang, F1

Bruh. - Sudipta Sarkar, M3

Parting is such sweet sorrow! Except re 30 Humbert, that's just sweet. - Ellie Grushcow, S6

5.3/10 - Jonathan Freidberg, M3

LET'S GO RAPTORS!!!!!!! - Amos Dayaram, F2

Poisons & Delights

By the Cuspidor Editors


Summative crunch

Physics tomorrow, French on Thursday, then Bio and calculus next week - Jenny

Almost done!! We can see the finish line already :’) - Angela

I think I’m 70% coffee instead of 70% water… - Madi

Chemistry, Physics and French back to back to back :))) - Sumin

On the bright side, at least I can sleep in until 8 on prep days - Sonia

Cold and rainy days

A truck drove by me a few days ago and sprayed water all over me :( - Jenny

April showers bring May flowers and more June showers - Angela

Ok but I actually love cold and rainy days : \ - Madi

It feels more like spring… - Sumin

Expensive summer drinks

My addiction to Starbucks is not healthy - Jenny

I’m still a 13 year old who loves fraps :) - Angela

Iced coffee instead of hot coffee… half the drink for twice the price - Madi

McDonald’s really pulling through with $1 iced coffee <3 - Sumin

Bold of you to assume I don’t buy iced coffee in the winter as well - Sonia

Not being able to see friends as often

People live so far away, but then again I live in Markham so I shouldn't complain - Jenny

Thank you Apple for Facetime <3 - Angela

Why does everyone have to go to camppppp - Madi

“Make plans with me” - Sumin

“Are you free this week?” “No, but what about next week?” “Oh, I’m busy then.” :( - Sonia

S6s leaving

I’ll miss you guys :(( - Sonia

:( - Jenny

</3 - Angela

:’( - Madi

:(( - Sumin


School year ending

Both happy and sad at the same time - Jenny

It feels like just yesterday that we celebrated the end of M4 - Angela

It feels like yesterday I was in M3 - Sonia

I can’t wait to burn my notes!!!! - Madi

^ - Sumin

Summer vacation

So excited to just do nothing - Jenny

Sunshine! Friends! Food! Traveling! And more food! The list can go on forever - Angela

Outdoor movies and roof time!! - Madi

That’s around 1500 hours, during all of which I plan to sleep :)) - Sonia


Looking forward to sleeping more than 5 hours a day - Jenny

Planning to stock up on sleep in the summer to make up for -56874 hours during school - Madi

Being awake is for the WEAK - Sonia

I love sleeping in on exam prep days - Sumin

Raptors in the Playoffs!!

Also a poison: my brother’s loud fanboying during games makes it hard to study :/ - Sonia

I'm writing this on June 11th, and fingers crossed that the Raptors win the finals! - Jenny

Raps in 6 pls!! - Angela

This will be a poison if the raptors lose the series by the time you read this… - Sumin

Summer clothes

I finally won't have to carry heavy winter coats everywhere! - Jenny

The rare month or two where you won’t freeze wearing shorts! :) - Angela

so excited to not wear boots everyday!! - Madi

They’re still in my basement - Sumin

I <3 shorts - Sonia
