Library Education in the United States

March 5, 2024

Course Description

This presentation delves into the rich tapestry of U.S. library education. From its historical roots to its contemporary evolution, we will explore the development of library education, examining the journey of accreditation standards and pivotal trends shaping the landscape. Throughout the session, we will delve into the American Library Association (ALA) Standards for Accreditation of Master’s Programs in Library and Information Studies, discussing the accreditation process and decision-making group in details. Additionally, we will uncover the ALA Core Competencies essential to the field of librarianship, providing insight to the skills and knowledge required for success.


I.  Introduction

II. Library education in U.S.

III. Accreditation

IV. ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship

V. IFLA Guidelines for Professional Library and Information Science Education Programmes

VI. Comparison of ALA and IFLA competencies