P R O G R A M S   &   S E R V I C E S


a. Academic Personnel and Fellowship Committee (APFC)

b. Committee on Instruction

c. Curriculum Committee

d. Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance (with OSA)

e. General Education (GE) Council

f. Quality Assurance (QA) Committee

g. Commencement Rites Committee

h. Committee on Welcome Ceremonies for Incoming First Year Students

i. Scholars' Convocation Committee

j. Academic Program Improvement (API) Committee

k. Screening Committee for the Selection of Professor Emeritus

11. Oversees the plans, programs and activities of the following offices:

a. Office of the University Registrar (OUR)

b. Office of Student Affairs (OSA)

c. National Graduate Office for the Health Sciences (NGOHS)

d. Learning Resource Center (LRC)

e. University Library (UL)

f. National Service Training Program (NSTP)

g. Community Health and Development Program (CHDP)

h. Center for Gender and Women Studies (CGWS)

i. Interactive Learning Center (ILC)

j. Office of International Linkages (OIL)

k. Sentro ng Wikang Filipino (SWF)

l. Office of Continuing Education (OCE)

m. Office of Alumni Relations (OAR)

G R A N T S   &   A W A R D S

The Faculty Development Grant (FDG) is given for academic presentation in international/national conferences/conventions; attendance in conferences held in the Philippines but not presenting, where each college is allowed to send up to three faculty members per national conference and a maximum of two for international conferences; short courses/training programs overseas included in a 5-year faculty development plan submitted to and accepted by the OVCAA. Each college is allowed to send up to a maximum of two (2) faculty members per short course/training program.

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The Publication Award is open to original articles published in reputable, peer-reviewed national/international journals during the last two years (e.g., years 2020 to 2021 for those who will apply for 2021).

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The Publication Fee requires a letter of acceptance, which indicates that publication is necessary to publish accepted papers and the amount of the publication fee.

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The Academic Program Improvement (API) is based on the broader perspective of achieving academic excellence in the UP System. The API funds are made available in order to strengthen the link and integration of education, research and creative work, and public service. To this end, the utilization of the funds is guided by certain policies to ensure that the funds provide greater impact to the various academic units in their pursuit of academic excellence.

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