Academic Personnel and Fellowships Committee (APFC)

The APFC formulates guidelines on awarding of local and foreign fellowships, special details, travel grants, sabbatical/research/study leaves, awarding of professorial chairs; formulates policies, rules, standards with respect to selection and compensation; and reviews recommendation on academic promotions and other matters affecting faculty and REPS status and welfare.


Meeting Schedule: Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month

Academic Program Improvement (API) Committee

The API Committee screens the API proposals submitted by the colleges in accordance with the policies and guidelines set by the Office of the President.


Meeting Schedule: as needed

Commencement Rites Committee

The Commencement Rites Committee is responsible for the planning, preparation and holding of the annual commencement exercises.


Meeting Schedule: Once a month starting January until June or as needed

Committee on Instruction

The Committee on Instruction studies the situations of the teaching-learning process of UP Manila across all colleges; recommends measures for improvement, if any; organizes the annual orientation program for new faculty focused on the academic culture and other requirements of UP Manila upon their recruitment, duties and responsibilities, rights, benefits and privileges; looks after the mentoring and professional development of new faculty members throughout their stay in UP; proposes new and better ways of teaching; and implements University policies and suggests new ones, such as: 1) common SET for all CUs; 2) peer review; 3) incorporation of innovative teaching methodologies, such as interactive learning, use of online lectures, IPOD casting, etc.


Meeting Schedule: as needed

Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance

The Committee hears and decides on grants-in-aid (formerly Socialized Tuition (ST) System) appeals and on applications on other scholarship grants.


Meeting Schedule: as needed

Committee on Welcome Ceremonies for Incoming First Year Students

The Committee is responsible for the planning, preparation and holding of the annual welcome ceremonies for incoming first year students.


Meeting Schedule: Once a month starting June until August or as needed

Curriculum Committee

The Curriculum Committee examines the soundness and/or feasibility of curricular programs submitted by the different academic units, for approval of the University Council; looks into the relevance of such proposals to the University’s mission/goals/ objectives; ensures that curricular proposals are in conformity with existing rules and regulations of the University; and facilitates the continuing review of curricular programs, both at the graduate and undergraduate levels.


Meeting Schedule: as needed

General Education (GE) Council

The GE Council presents to the UP Manila constituents the results of discussions, recommendations, resolutions of UP System GE Committee, GE conferences, and secures the approval of the UC; examines all currently offered GE courses; makes recommendations to delist those GE subjects that are no longer adhering to the GE philosophy; crafts new GE courses as may be necessary, including those from health professions colleges; proposes policies and such other changes needed to improve content and teaching of GE courses; evaluates and approves proposals for grants related to GE.


Meeting Schedule: as needed

Quality Assurance (QA) Committee

The Committee implements policies, rules, and regulations promulgated by higher authorities on the quality assurance of the University; guides the conduct of internal assessment (iAADS) through process reviews and performance measurements, as well as modification of processes, procedures, and standards by key users in line with internal assessments of quality; develops information and data management services in line with the indicators of QA; provides archiving and documentation services to ensure continuity and consistency of QA measures; documents processes involved in QA development and implementation for recording and replicating best practices.


Meeting Schedule: twice or thrice per sem

Scholars’ Convocation Committee

The Scholars’ Convocation Committee is responsible for the planning, preparation, and holding of the annual scholars’ convocation program.


Meeting Schedule: Once a month (March-April) or as needed

Screening Committee for the Selection of Professor Emeritus

The Committee evaluates credentials of faculty members nominated as Professor Emeritus (PE); endorses qualified nominees to the UP System Screening Committee on PE headed by the VPAA.


Meeting Schedule: as needed