
Professor, Ph.D (Bangalore University)

Research Interests: Philosophy of Social Science, Social and Political Theory, Law and Ethics, and Indian Sociology/Historiography

Email: sasheej@gmail.com

Professor, Ph.D (University of Pittsburgh)

Research Interests: Sociology of Gender, Indian Diaspora, Urban Sociology, and Qualitative Research Methods

Email: arayaprol@uohyd.ac.in

Professor, Ph.D (University of Hyderabad)

Research Interests: Agrarian Studies, Sociological Theory, Political Economy of Development, Health and Urban Studies

Email: purendra.prasad@gmail.com

Professor & Head of the Department, Ph.D (University of Hyderabad)

Research Interests: Science and Technology Studies, Sociology of Organisations, and Sociology of Disability

Email: craghava@gmail.com

Professor, Ph.D. (University of Hyderabad)

Research Interests: Sociology of Education, Information Technology and Society

Email: nagarajuhcu@gmail.com

Pushpesh Kumar

Professor, Ph.D. (Institute of Economic Growth, Jamila, Milia Islamia, Delhi)

Research Interests: Sociology of Gender and Sexuality, Globalisation and Social Change

Email: Pushpesh.kumar@gmail.com

L. Lam Khan Piang

Professor, Ph.D. ((JNU, New Delhi)

Research Interest: Ethnicity, Identity, nation and nationalism, tribal studies, border studies, health system research, and Quantitative Techniques

Email: lampiang@uohyd.ac.in

Professor, Ph.D. (JNU, New Delhi)

Research Interests: Sociology of nationalism(s), community formation and identifications with specific focus on their implications on discourse of rights and entitlements.

Email: fazaltanweer@yahoo.co.in

Professor, Ph.D. (ISEC, Bangalore, University of Mysore)

Research Interests: Environmental Sociology, Community based Natural Resource Management, Water, Decentralised Governance and Development

Email: s.rout@uohyd.ac.in

Associate Professor, Ph.D. (University of Hyderabad)

Research Interests: Sociology of Industrial Relations, Corporate Business and Society, Sociology of Culture, Sociological Theory, Marxism and Capitalism, and Ethics and Society

Email: vjanardhan.a@gmail.com

Associate Professor, Ph.D. (University of Pune)

Research Interests: Sociology of Gender, Micro Finance

Email: anurekhachariwagh@gmail.com; anurekha@uohyd.ac.in

N. Annavaram

Assistant Professor, M.Phil. (JNU, New Delhi)

Research Interests: Indian Sociology, Classical Sociological Theory

Email: annavaram.n@gmail.com

Assistant Professor, Ph.D. (JNU, New Delhi)

Research Interests: Religion, Culture and Ethnicity Studies

Email: hoilhing@gmail.com

Assistant Professor, Ph.D. (University of Hyderabad)

Research Interests: Sociology of Organisations, Sociology of Science and Technology.

Email: nlss@uohyd.ac.in

Assistant Professor, Ph.D. (J.N.U, New Delhi)

Research Interests: Political and Historical Sociology, Social Movements, Ethnicity, Nation and Nationalism.

Email: mvrthiru@gmail.com, thiru@uohyd.ac.in

Assistant Professor, Ph.D (University of Hyderabad)

Research Interest: Sexuality Studies, Sociology of Health, Sociology of Gender

Email: asimajena@uohyd.ac.in

Retired Faculty

Prof. Sujata Patel

Prof. Vinod Jairath

Prof. K. Laxminarayan

Prof. E. Haribabu

Prof. C. S Bhat

Prof Vijay Tilakam

Prof Ratna Naidu

Prof G S Aurora

Prof Vijay Kochar

Prof Imadi