Projekti EntrAl

Vesa Hautala - the coordinator

From University of Leon 


kick off meeting 

from presentations

Coordinator of USH

from University of Dublin

from presentations

Seminar in Shkodra University - Needs analysis by Albanian partners

The greeting speech on behalf of Albanian partners

In these times, during a global virus outbreak, it is considered a substantial challenge to undertake the realization of face-to-face events for whatever the scope behind them. However, finally and thankfully, we are here together to convey to you the results of the WP1 preparation work that consists of Mapping Entrepreneurial activities and needs in Albanian Universities according to the project plan.

Entrepreneurship education in Albania is one of the sectors which largely influence the social and economic dimensions of this country. The fast-paced development of Albania, as well as the expectations of the government and the citizens in regards to the strategic relevance of the education system itself has been influenced by constant changes throughout the recent years. These frequent changes, seek to discover the most effective way of adopting and integrating educational services to the social, economic, and political dimensions of the country, bearing in mind the current condition of each of the dimensions. The changes we are referring to, are reflected everywhere, but especially in the labor market in our country. Many factors such as the competitive salary levels and knowledge assessment, job security through employment, education, as well as adjustments to the requirements for the labor market about the type of diploma gained, are determinants of the evolution that this market has experienced.

Nevertheless, the process of transformation and adaptation of the education system to these requirements regarding the labor market have been very much challenging.

In the Seminar we are present today; the Albanian partners are going to present the study analysis of the situation of the entrepreneurial skills and the needs among teachers, students, as well as businesses, in relation with the employment of university graduates. After a one-month analysis period, the project teams have processed the data and concluded how the knowledge gained during the study cycle has been adapted to the labor market. The perception of entrepreneurial concepts and competencies, the perception of the labor market, and the evaluation, together with the self-evaluation on the entrepreneurial skills of students and teachers, are parts of the larger whole, which bring an overview of the real problems that universities seek to solve and improve, in order for these universities to play a key role in their respective regions. 

The WP1 has been conducted by a strong cooperation of the coordinators with other partners. A template has been prepared to be used as a guide for partners to follow the axes of the process of evaluation.

Due to the pandemic restrictions, the methodology of needs analysis has been focused on the online questionnaires developed and translated in the Albanian language to facilitate content understanding.

The target groups involve undergraduate and graduate students, who have been reached by each Albanian partner university through emails. The selection has been random from the universities’ databases.

Furthermore, the teachers of the pre-university educational levels, the universities’ academic staff, as well as researchers have been the second target group of the questionnaires. The previous training activities of U3M and Teavet projects have contributed to gathering credentials of contacts that have been used to distribute the questionnaire and achieve the expected quota of responses.

The third target group is composed  of the local businesses belonging to different profiles, whose responses  will ensure a good evaluation of the problems arising with entrepreneurial skills, and they will also give a different insight on the contributive role the universities have in developing and refining capabilities in the entrepreneurial sphere.

This work package has a critical function in the project because it determines the design of the next activities and clarifies which are the needs to be supported by the project's next stage activities. The training activities will be focused on knowledge, methodologies, and practical skills education, according to the specifics of the development of the economy and the country, seeking different opportunities from the situation we live and work in. It is imperative to understand and to manage this new situation that defines the job market as being the real gauge of program quality, output, and opportunities for adjustments or changes.

Also, the needs analysis is going to present some issues experienced by the target groups when they move from school to work, and how they make use of their knowledge in the labor market. We often hear employers complaining about the knowledge university graduates have, which falls short of the expectations of these employers.

There must also be a fair and clear link between knowledge and income, meaning that greater investment in human capital will arguably  generate higher returns for the individual.

Most importantly, in terms of competence needs at work, it is enough to bring examples of companies in questionnaires that appear to value more the need to learn, the creativity, the ability to think critically or in other words to have a "hungry mind" that can develop and adapt within the company’s environment.

The studies bring us to the further initiatives that we must realize:

1.      Make relevant and effective reforms in education that must match the constant changes of the new requirements of the labor market in order to bringing upon a positive outcome. This is why the entrepreneurial characteristics of higher education and the labor market in the socio-cultural context need to be analyzed.

2.      Secondly, a constant designing or modification process for the university curricula in line with economic needs in the country and adapting to the development of some of the key sectors.

3.      Thirdly, adopting the knowledge of the young graduates to successfully cope with employment competition, satisfy market demands and expectations regarding quality and productivity at work, payment and motivation to develop a professional career.

4.      And finally, motivation to be successful in a competitive environment that characterizes the labor market that must encourage young people to seek more knowledge, skills, and qualifications.

These analysis and   conclusions generated are going to show to target groups to be more qualitative in adapting to the society and economy dynamics that young people encounter after leaving the auditors.

Seminar  in Shkoder

Rector of USH

The coordinator of USH

Opening session

the co coordinator 

online and onsite meeting 

Albanian participants 

Albanian participants

business testimonial 1

business testimonial 2

again T2

presentation of T1

9-11 Nentor 2021 - Innovation camp in Turku , Finlande

Startojne vizitat trajnuese te trajnuesve  duke filluar nga Universiteti i Turkut me Innovation Camp. Nje metodologji interaktive e zbatuar nga eksperte te universitetit. Ide biznesi u simuluan dhe u prezantuar bukur nga perfaqesues te secilit parner shqiptar duke u mbeshtetur edhe nga koleget europiane te Universitetit te Leonit,  Spanje dhe te Dublinit, Irlande.

nje tjeter grup pune

gjate trajnimit

duke diskutuar ide biznesi

grupi i trete i punes

gjate trajnimit ne EDU Center

grupe pune

nje kujtim gjate pushimit

grupi i UV