
Konferenca e 7-të Ndërkombëtare Shkencore

Thirrje për punime - “Sfidat Shkencore për Zhvillim të Qëndrueshëm” Strugë, 18 Prill, 2020

Call for papers 2020 4.pdf

SCfSD thirrja ne anglisht

Thirrje për punime 2020 4.pdf

SCfSD- thirrja ne shqip

New SSCI & SCOPUS indexed Special Issues : "Effects of COVID 19 Prosess to the Educational Systems and Institutions" for ICLEL 20 participants! Deadline 30 JUNE 2020 !

6th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on LIFELONG EDUCATION and LEADERSHIP FOR ALL ICLEL 2020- www.iclel.com. NOTE : During ICLEL 20 we will open 2 Special Issue indexed in SSCI & SCOPUS and topic will be ""Effects of COVID 19 Prosess to the Educational Systems and Institutions""

Please follow web site for explanations :)Scopus indexed topic: ""Effects of COVID 19 Prosess to the Business and Economy". Venue: Sakarya University TURKEY Date : JULY 16-18, 2020

PAPER PRESENTATIONS. ICLEL is supported by many universities and organizations. ICLEL invites you to submit proposals for VIRTUAL , ORAL and Poster presentations.


We are pleased to invite you to submit research papers to 6 th International Conference on Lifelong Education and Leadership for ALL-ICLEL – 2020 aims to bring together scholars, researchers, educators, students, professionals and other groups interested in Lifelong Education and Leadership and new perceptions in Education, Business, Economic, Social Sciences


Submission of Abstracts June 30, 2020

Full text Submission July 30, 2020

Accomodation Opportunities

The student dormitories of Sakarya University is open for accomodation and breakfast services for ICLEL 20 participants. You can take advantage of these opportunities by paying 10 Euro for per person per day.



Participant : 250 Euro / 275 USD Dolar)

Audience: 150 Euro / 165 Dolar)