
ICTEA 8, 2018

The 8-th International Multidisciplinary Conference on Academic Research for Sustainable Development Goals in a Mediterranean Perspective , 6,7 and 8 December, 2018, Universitas Sancti Cyrilii – A.D. 1669 Malta


University of Calabria, Italy Universitas Sancti Cyrilli, Malta University of Vlore University Pavaresia Vlore, Albania University Atlantica, Portugal University of Gjirokastra, Albania University of Elbasan, Albania University of Korca, Albania University of Durres, Albania University Wisdom, Albania Byzantine Research Foundation, Malta

Important dates

  1. • Abstract submission: 10 October 2018
  2. • Notification of acceptance: 19 October 2018
  3. • Registration and Payment Deadline: 31 October 2018
  4. • Conference: 6, 7 and 8 of December 2018
  5. • Full Paper submission for Conference Proceedings: 10 November 2018
  6. • Full Paper submission for ICTEA Journal 2018 : December, 2018

About the conference

The scientific research and development is in the phase of giving a product's life to support the product's viability. New methodologies and techniques in scientific research policy are needed to meet the challenges of global structural changes towards service and knowledge-based economies. Emerging knowledge-based economic systems underscore the increasing degree of international integration of the economy and science. International collaboration has risen strongly, be it in the framework of large cross-border projects, bilateral cooperation or as a result of the mobility of highly qualified researchers. ICTEA conference is an international forum of many authors in scientific research that will show the capacity for a systematic understanding of their specialization area, skills and clear mastery of the engineering research methods, autonomous capacity for conceiving, designing, adapting, and realizing significant research, as autonomous researcher or member of teams, respecting the usual academic levels of quality, aptitude for contributing to widen the knowledge frontiers through the development of a significant amount of original research duly accredited b y publication in the Conference with peer reviewing.

They also will show the capacity to analyse with a critical spirit, to evaluate, and to synthesize new and complex ideas in a context of fast technological and socio-organizational change and to have the capacity to communicate with the academic community as well as the society in general, both at national and international levels, regarding their specialization area. The conference will give the opportunity for all researchers to show the capacity to promote, both in the academic and professional contexts, the technological, socio-economic and cultural progress under the framework of a knowledge- and collaboration- based society.

ICTEA International Conference seeks to provide some answers and explore the processes, actions, challenges and outcomes of economy, law, ICT applications, learning, teaching and human development. Our goal is to offer a worldwide connection between science and people from a wide range of academic fields, interested in exploring and giving their contribution in several issues. We wish to illustrate developments and new ways of thinking in these main fields. Education, Information and Communication Technology, Economics and Tourism, Knowledge society and human development. Justice and Social studies