Upcoming Courses

Upcoming Courses

Scroll down to see all the Spanish 232 Topics courses that will be offered next semester:

Musical Atlas of Spanish Rock

Instructor: Gabriel Villarroel


Spanning a wide array of influences from local folk to flamenco, tango, and reggaeton, rock music in Latin America and Spain offers a vast tapestry of cultural expressions. This course is designed to present a panoramic exploration of several distinct countries/regions, spotlighting their unique popular music trends. Rock music, typically embraced by younger generations, mirrors a global cultural affiliation while commenting on personal experiences and societal struggles. Leveraging a selection of curated readings, videos, songs, and podcasts, this course will invite students on a musical and historical voyage across the Spanish speaking world. 

To enroll, the please visit the LSA course site.

The Hispanic World Through the Eyes of its Women

Instructor: Isabel Larrotiz 


This course will provide an overview of the Hispanic world through the experiences of influential women in different Hispanic countries. Each woman studied will serve to contextualize themes that relate to Diversity, Inclusion and Equality in the Hispanic world as well as history, politics, culture and society. The overall purpose of the class is to provide students with a better understanding of the Hispanic world and its women through listening, writing, reading, and speaking activities in Spanish. 

To enroll, the please visit the LSA course site.

Environmental Issues 

Instructor: Kathleen Forrester & Marlene Beiza (teaching separately)

forrestk@umich.edu & mbeizal@umich.edu

In this class, we will familiarize ourselves with some of the environmental issues that Latin American countries and Spain are currently facing and how they are responding to them. We will take a closer look at how these issues impact society in different ways, for instance economically and culturally. Further, we will try to imagine and understand the ways in which these issues may impact the future. 

To enroll, the please visit the LSA course site.

Historia, instrumentos, bailes y música de Latinoamérica 

Instructor: Mariela De La Torre 


The purpose of this topic course is to provide students with a better understanding of the music,culture, and society of the Hispanic world, and to explore music as a means of cultural expression. This course will introduce students to music from different cultures. Students will learn about the heritage, values, practices, challenges, and conflicts that comprise Hispanic culture and society. 

To enroll, the please visit the LSA course site.

Flamenco: arte, ritmo y diversidad

Instructor: Lisa Montes  


Flamenco is comprised of songs, dances, and instrumental music associated with southern Spain. While steeped in the folkloric musical traditions of the Roma people, or gitanos, in the Spanish region of Andalusia, its historical foundations are rooted far deeper.  This course provides an in-depth investigation into the music, dance and history of flamenco, and explores the various cultural groups that have influenced it.  Additionally, the evolution of gender roles in flamenco will be explored.  Through selected readings, videos, songs and live demonstrations, students will embark on a cultural and historical journey of this profound artform.

To enroll, the please visit the LSA course site.

Extraordinary Hispanic Communities

Instructor: Carla Iglesias-Garrido


The Hispanic world is as varied as its people… and sometimes, its diversity is shocking, revealing and challenges our preconceived notions. In this class, we will learn about smaller communities throughout the Hispanic world that are fighting to become visible. We will explore themes such as identity, language preservation, gastronomic culture and artistic expressions. Using a hands-on approach and self reflection as our guiding principles, we will immerse ourselves in a journey to understand the realities of these communities as well as the impact they have on our own. 

To enroll, the please visit the LSA course site.

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