
Read some of the inspiring things that previous students have to say about the 232 Topics courses.

"I often found myself imagining if I was in the same position of the women we learned about in history and it made me reflective on my own values and opinions. This class also helped me to discover which study habits are most effective for learning a new language."

"I would say that I had a good experience with this class. When you are forced to articulate your beliefs in a different language, it makes you think critically about what you are saying and really think about your argument, regardless of language it's being articulated in. I also furthered my understanding of what women struggle with in their respective countries, which significantly expanded my worldview."

"I had a fantastic experience in this class. Coming in, this course and the instructor fundamentally reshaped how I interpret spanish courses at this University. I learned about how interested I am in culture particularly when learning a language, I learned more about feminist endeavors in foreign countries, and I learned more about my comprehension style in college courses as a result of my relationship with the instructor.

The Hispanic World Through the Eyes of its Women, Fall 2023

"I think that taking a thematic class is really beneficial to learn about topics/communities/people/art that you might not ever learn about in a different setting. I really enjoyed learning and completing different projects throughout the course as well as broadening my perspective and knowledge on these topics.

"Because of the course's strong emphasis on heritage and identity, I have learned the importance of reflecting upon and recognizing my roots. For many communities, maintaining their culture was important to them. They did this in order to not forget their origin. While taking this course I realized that the story of my family's roots is not well known, and I might consider learning more before it is forgotten."

"This is the second topics class I have taken, and the biggest advantage to me is exposure to more content. A lot of the vocabulary introduced is not used in everyday conversation, but it is still interesting because I chose to learn about a topic that interests me. On the same note, the class is more fun because I am learning about something that interests me."

Extraordinary Hispanic Communities, Fall 2023

"I liked that we just talked together ALL the time and especially about topics concerning minoritized and ethnic groups that are otherwise likely to be ignored. It felt good to shed light on and appreciate cultures that I had never even heard of before.

"I truly enjoyed discovering the diverse array of different cultural practices presented in this course, as well as learning about the people who engage in those traditions. I also liked the many opportunities to share ideas with my classmates and professor in a tight-knit setting."

"I loved how this course was run by the students. We had the freedom to express our opinions and thoughts, as well as collaborate with other students. This class didn't just feel like a language class but an opportunity to think broadly about our heritage and history."

Artifacts and Cultural Heritage, Winter 2022