Extraordinary Hispanic Communities


Welcome! I look forward to exploring the different hispanic communities with you. I hope it will be an interesting journey of language learning and self-discovery.

Course Description and Goals 

In this class, we will learn about smaller communities throughout the Hispanic world that are fighting to become visible. We will explore themes such as identity, language preservation, gastronomic culture and artistic expressions. Using a hands-on approach and self reflection as our guiding principles, we will immerse ourselves in a journey to understand the realities of these communities as well as the impact they have on our own.  

Thematic Content and Organization 

Chapter 1: Los afrolatinos. Los Garífunas.

Chapter 2: Los gitanos en España.

Chapter 3: Los Gunas.

Chapter 4: Los Nikkei.

Required Materials

Student course pack (available on Canvas Files) 

Grammar Workbook: Imagina 5e SSPlus + wSAM (5M), Vista Higher Learning.  The ISBN: 978-1-54336-822-2

This ISBN corresponds to both the physical and electronic versions of the book, yet you only need to get the Supersite Plus Code (w/webSAM+vText). You will not need to purchase the physical textbook.

This digital material can be purchased through the publisher's website: http://vistahigherlearning.com/store/umichigan.htm


Carla Iglesias-Garrido

All images are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution unless otherwise noted.