News & Updates

Our website has been updated!

Our pages now contain much of the new programming and opportunities we have been putting together. Be sure to explore the pages, and if you find links that do not work, or lead somewhere else, please let us know and we will correct it promptly.


Blog from the first ESPApers white paper journal club now available on MiSci Writers


ESPA is now a member of the National Science Policy Network Central Hub


Seth Wiley featured in Michigan Daily article

“Clear communication and writing are key — and to listen,” Wiley said. “They say all politics is local, so getting involved locally is a really good thing to do.”


State of the Union Debrief Debrief - science and social justice

The discussion brought up a two important questions: how can we effectively advocate for issues in which we may not be experts (ex. a cell biologist talking about climate change)? How can we think about our research in the broad context of social justice, sustainability, and history?

Below are a few resources from panelists Jessica Thomas (UCS) and Michael Lerner (UM) to get us started:


Water Security Consensus Conference awarded grants from UM Library, Union of Concerned Scientists, and Science Debate

Congrats Nocona Sanders, Julia Gerson, Joe Paki, and Sarah Cusson!

11/2018, 2/2019

Ask A Scientist awarded College of Engineering Grad Student Community Grant

Congrats Charles Lu and team!


Sara Wong's advocacy blog post featured for Science Rising


ESPA awarded an ASCB COMPASS Outreach Grant

to fund Ask A Scientist events in summer and fall 2018.


Read Sara Wong's blog post for AAAS Public Reflections

She talks about her views on advocacy, the role of scientists, and different ways to engage.


Seth Wiley accepted to AAAS CASE 2018

Congratulations to co-coordinator Seth Wiley on being accepted to AAAS CASE this year! As one of two selected students from the University of Michigan, he'll travel to DC to learn more about science policy and advocacy. Not only is he leading advocacy efforts with ESPA, he also leads the science communication initiative, Publications to the Public.


AAAS Featured Force: Sara Wong

Each month, AAAS highlights a member who is a force for science. This January, co-coordinator Sara Wong was featured! Read the highlight here.


Autonomous Vehicles Consensus Conference Funded by UM Library Student Mini Grant

Congrats Anna Lenhart!
