A Workplace for All

~~~ Message to the entire department sent on 1/23/2018 ~~~

We all would like this to be a workplace where everyone can enjoy and be welcome. As part of that I want to make sure that everyone in our department is reminded each year of the relevant sections of the standard practice guide that discuss harassment and relationships in our workplace. These were presented at the faculty meeting on 1/22 but apply to us all.

  • Sexual Harassment:


  • Discrimination and Harassment:


  • Faculty - Student Relationships:


  • Employee - Student Relationships:


In this regard the following individuals are mandatory reporters (otherwise known as non-confidential University employees): Edwin Bergin (Chair), Elena Gallo (Associate Chair), Bebe Zuniga-Valentino (Chief Administrator), and Nuria Calvet (Undergraduate Program Director).

To give an idea what this means I refer to the University’s web page on this topic (https://studentsexualmisconductpolicy.umich.edu).

"The University strongly encourages the reporting of sexual misconduct. The University will respond to reports of sexual misconduct made to a non-confidential University employee. All reports will be reported to the U-M Title IX Coordinator in the Office for Institutional Equity. To access confidential assistance, students may contact a confidential reporting location. The University strongly encourages anyone who believes they experienced a sexual assault (or any other crime) to make a report to the University of Michigan Police Department."

If you wish or need a safe space for confidential discussion without any worry about reporting, the following is available to you:

  • Faculty and Staff - FASCCO

Faculty and Staff Counseling and Consultation Office 734-936-8660

  • Students - CAPS

Counseling and Psychological Services 734-764-8312

  • All - SAPAC

Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center 734-998-9368