STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, is an educational track that dedicated on these core disciplines. This academic program is designed to prepare students for careers in fields that require a strong foundation in science and math. 

The STEM strand typically includes subjects like physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, and computer science. Students in this strand often engage in hands-on experiments, projects, and problem-solving activities to develop critical thinking and analytical skills.

STEM education has also various targets, including promoting critical thinking, fostering creativity, preparing individuals for future careers and encouraging inclusivity, with the goal of providing individuals with the skills and knowledge needed. 


Pre-calculus is essential in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields because it provides the foundational mathematical concepts and skills required for advanced studies in calculus, physics, engineering, and other quantitative disciplines. 

A solid understanding of pre-calculus is crucial for tackling complex problems, modeling real-world phenomena, and developing the analytical and mathematical reasoning skills necessary for success in STEM careers.

This groundwork is vital for comprehending intricate relationships, rates of change, and dynamic systems in disciplines like physics, engineering, and computer science. Moreover, pre-calculus serves as a bridge between basic algebra and the more advanced mathematical concepts encountered in higher-level STEM courses, enabling students to build a strong mathematical framework for solving intricate problems in their respective fields.

General Chemistry is essential in STEM is like building the groundwork for understanding how things around us behave and interact on a tiny scale. It helps us figure out how substances react, measure stuff in chemical reactions, and understand how heat and energy play a role. 

If you want to do more advanced things like making new materials or understanding how living organisms work at the molecular level, having a good grasp of general chemistry is like having a superpower toolkit.

Mastery of these basics becomes a stepping stone for advanced studies in chemistry, physics, biology, and engineering, providing a better understanding of the foundational principles of scientific and technological phenomena. 

Empowerment Technologies is essential to learn in STEM as it equips students with essential digital skills and technological literacy needed in today's rapidly advancing world. 

These skills include computer programming, data analysis, and proficiency in various software tools, enabling individuals to navigate and contribute effectively in fields such as technology, engineering, and data science. Empowerment Technologies play a pivotal role in preparing students for the evolving demands of STEM careers, fostering innovation, problem-solving, and adaptability in an increasingly technology-driven landscape.

This approach aims to cultivate not just digital literacy, but also critical thinking and collaborative skills essential for navigating the complexities of a technology. The topics covered programming, multimedia creation, and etc. 

TARGETS: STEM education aims to equip students with critical thinking, problem-solving, and creative skills. It prepares them for careers in science, technology, engineering, and math. Collaboration and adaptability are also key focuses to ensure students can work effectively and navigate changing technologies. The goal is to create a skilled workforce ready for diverse challenges in these fields.