Rama, Ashbee

I chose the STEM strand because of the various job opportunities I can have in the future, and I'm planning on  taking a civil engineering or a nursing course in the future in college. Choosing STEM is possibly the best choice for me, as it covers a mix of subjects that work well for civil engineering and nursing. The problem-solving and analytical skills I'll learn in STEM are not just good for school but also help me adapt to changes, which is important in engineering and healthcare. Overall, STEM sets me up with a strong foundation for success in the courses and jobs I'm interested in for my future.

De Leon, Jerhia Althea T.  

I selected STEM because it offers a wide range of job opportunities, Moreover,  STEM not only enhances my understanding of challenging subjects but also cultivates a hands-on approach to learning through practical applications and experiments. This experiential learning style not only fosters a deeper comprehension of scientific principles but also helps me with the practical skills needed in the workforce, wherein it makes me a competitive candidate in the dynamic and in-demand industries of engineering and healthcare.

Valenzuela, Ma. Teresa G.

I took STEM because even though I'm yet sure about my college course, it offers a variety of options. This strand provides well-rounded education that will help me to prepare for college. I chose STEM not just for the good chances it gives but also because I feel like I really belong in this field. I enjoy the hands-on and teamwork parts of STEM, which go well with my love for solving problems together with others. And lastly, it opens and widens my options on what course I would be choosing once I enroll for college.

Valdez, Blessing Star V.

I chose STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) as my strand in education because it is influenced by various factors. Many students are drawn to STEM due to their genuine interest in subjects like mathematics, science, technology, and engineering. Additionally, the promising career prospects and competitive salaries in STEM fields make them an attractive choice for those looking for job security and financial stability. STEM education also encourages critical thinking and problem-solving skills which can be valuable in various aspects of our lives. 

Saniano, Maebelle M. 

I chose STEM as my strand because my future plans involve pursuing a college degree in Information Technology (IT). Although the ICT strand is specifically chosen for those who planning on choosing the IT course, I can see that STEM gives me a broader and vast base of knowledge. This not only lets me consider different courses but also includes the course I'm currently interested in. The STEM strand seems like a good fit for me because it covers what I'm currently interested and in but also leaves room for other possibilities.