The Citi Scholarship Program

Archived Announcements - June 2022

🗞 Stay up to date on all the latest program news and events 🗞

Sept 1 2022

Ren.Udacity 9:45 AM

Hi scholars! @everyone

I am excited to announce that we've launched a Mental Health Toolkit to support your wellness. This can be leveraged by anyone but it is especially curated with underrepresented identities in tech in mind, including but not limited to: Black, Latine, women, and LGBTQ+.

Although there are resources that can be leveraged by anyone, we want to be as inclusive as possible. We would love any suggestions and additions from you. Just let me know!

Regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, orientation, economic status or ability, we want you to feel supported and know that you belong in tech.

Check out the toolkit today.

Sept 11, 2022

Mai.Community Manager.Udacity 8:08 AM

Hey, @everyone

You’ve probably heard this during the Citi event that took place in June, but we wanted to remind you that Citi will be opening 17 positions solely for this scholarship’s graduates. Yes, you won’t be competing against any external candidates! Isn’t that just amazing?

So, keep on learning and keep the spirit up. We will be providing you all with updates on when applications will open. Best of luck, folks!

Sept 15, 2022

Mai.Community Manager.Udacity 8:27 AM

Project Walkthroughs

Good morning, @everyone!

Here are the project walkthroughs that will help you with project Hotel Reservation and Project Parallel Web Crawler:

Project 1: Hotel Reservation

Project 2: Parallel Web Crawler

Sept 19, 2022

Mai.Community Manager.Udacity 9:12 AM

Let’s all give a huge shoutout to @Ebillson GRAND JEAN for completing 100 Days of Daily updates and progress in our #06-60-days-of-udacity challenge! He’s now on day 101. Amazing work!

You can all still post your updates too and tag your peers.


Sept 21, 2022


Hi, Learners! @everyone

Join us on Thursday, Sept. 29th at 5:30pm EST for an EXCLUSIVE Fireside Chat with Citi’s Steve Morgan. Steve is the Global Head of Markets Operations Technology at Citi and is excited to share his life journey with you and about the work he is spearheading at Citi.

Steve has an extensive track record of creating innovative solutions, modernizing the client experience and transforming organizations. He is an advocate for authentic inclusion and more diverse seats at the table. We’re excited to have him with us for this discussion!

Citi will also be announcing the process for applying for roles after graduation at the end of this event.

Any questions for Steve? Drop them right here in this thread.

Click the links below to join us:

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