The Udacity Scholarship Program - sponsored by Citi

đź—“ Classroom FAQs đź—“

I feel lost after accessing my classroom, is there any guide to help me?

Please watch this tutorial video that will help to get you familiar with your classroom. Also, if you require further assistance, please join your online community.

What is the role of the Session Lead and how can I know who my Session Lead is?

Your Session Lead is there to help you successfully progress through your track from enrollment straight through to graduation. The Session Lead is the person who will be conducting your periodic Connect sessions. He/She will answer your questions, help you overcome any technical challenges, point you to helpful resources and give you guidance to complete the program successfully. Once you are enrolled in your track, you will receive an email informing you about your Session Lead. You can also learn more about your Session Lead, among other session details, from your classroom. Please note that due to the variety of topics covered in this Nanodegree Program, it is likely you will have two Session Leads to guide you in this program.

What happens during a Udacity Connect session, and what are the goals?

  • Udacity Connect sessions are focused on delivering three key benefits:

    • Collaboration: You'll have the opportunity to work with your Session Lead and peers to complete projects, overcome challenges, and master new concepts.

    • Accountability: You'll benefit from check-ins with your Session Lead, who will help you with goal-setting, time management, and motivation.

    • Efficiency: By attending your Connect sessions and spending around 10 hours per week on your independent study, you will successfully complete your track just in time.

I have missed a connect session, what should I do?

You must reach out to your Session Lead in advance on Slack to inform him or her that you will not be able to attend your session, as the Session Lead is responsible to track your attendance. If you have already missed your Connect session, please reach out to your Session Lead immediately with a clear explanation of why you did so and why you were not able to inform him/her of this in advance of the session. The periodic Connect sessions are very important and are considered one of the main pillars of the program. Missing sessions might cause you to fall behind.

How often do Udacity Connect sessions take place?

Udacity Connect Sessions will take place on the same day and time periodically. Attending Connect Sessions is a mandatory part of participating in the program and failure to keep up with attendance will put you at risk of losing your Nanodegree. The exact schedule for your periodic sessions will be shared with you at the beginning of your track via email.

What is the duration of each session?

Your session will be 2 hours long.

What should I be ready with for a Udacity Connect session?

Prepare your own laptop, headphones, power cord, and whatever else you find helpful. Also, please make sure your internet connectivity is stable and strong to be able to attend the session with no problems.

If I need support with my projects or content, who can I reach out to?

You can always reach out to your Session Lead on Slack. They can answer your questions, point you to helpful resources, and give you guidance to complete the program successfully. Your Session Lead is there to help you successfully navigate your Nanodegree straight through from enrollment to graduation.

How do project reviews work in the Nanodegree Program?

Every time you submit a project, you will receive personalized feedback on your project submission from one of our expert human project reviewers. They will not only tell you what you got right and wrong but they will also provide some guidance on what you should try next and give suggestions on how you can go even further with your project. Once your review is ready, you will get an email notification which you can follow to the review.

There are three results for the review:

    • Meets Specifications: This means you passed your project as you met all requirements.

    • Requires Changes: This means that you failed your project. However, the reviewer will highlight which part that requires to be edited so that you pass the project on your next submission. You can resubmit your project again after editing it through your classroom.

    • Ungradeable: This means that the reviewer was not able to grade your project. This could be because you either submitted the wrong files or the files submitted can not be opened because they are in an unsupported format. You can resubmit your project again from your classroom after addressing these issues.

What is plagiarism?

Plagiarism is any act claiming or implying another person’s work is your own project, we advise you to avoid Plagiarism ”Cheating”, do not copy the code, or part of the code, or use any cut and paste mechanisms verbatim, learn more about Plagiarism by clicking on this link.

Can I participate again if failed to graduate on time?

Individuals are only eligible for one Nanodegree Program across the duration of this program's cohort. As such, make sure to sign up only if you are willing and able to commit to learning and graduating within the allotted timeframe of the program.

Will I have access to the material of my Nanodegree after I finish it successfully?

Yes, you will have indefinite static access to the content after you graduate from your Nanodegree. Static access will include classroom content that will not be updated over time. Such access will not include access to projects that were not previously submitted, as well as certain services, such as community channels, project reviews, workspaces, labs, or quizzes. Also, please note that learners will lose access to the content if they fail to finish within the Nanoderee's deadline.

How do I maintain my seat in the program?

  • In order to maintain your seat in the program, you must complete Project 1 in the Nanodegree Program within the first three weeks of the program. The last day for your first project submission is May 22nd, 2022 at 11:59pm PST.

How many times can students submit a project in this program?

Students can submit their project until they pass (unlimited submissions).

Will our connect sessions be recorded?

Connect sessions are not usually recorded. Make sure you communicate with your Session Lead if you were to miss any of our connect sessions.