The Udacity Scholarship Program - sponsored by Citi

60 Days of Udacity Challenge 🎉

What is 60 Days of Udacity?

You may have heard of the #100DaysOfCode Challenge. Here at Udacity, we offer something similar -- #60DaysOfUdacity! This challenge can be an excellent way of incorporating a daily learning habit into your routine with other scholars.

The rules are pretty much the same -- make a public commitment to work on your Nanodegree program every day for 60 days within your Scholarship.

Habits that emphasize consistent practice have been proven to help overall retention of new learning material. So by participating, you'll build momentum towards the goal of completing the program, regularly track your progress, and join a team dedicated to helping each other reach their potential!

How Does it Work?

1️⃣ The Challenge startes Monday, June 6th, 2022.

2️⃣ Be sure to set aside time to work on your Nanodegree program EVERY DAY for the next 60 days!

🔥 PRO TIP: 🔥 Students usually achieve greater success by scheduling their study period at the same time!

3️⃣ Do a daily check-in of your progress in the #60DaysOfUdacity Slack Channel! How? Every day at around the same time, make a short post answering the following three questions:

  1. What did I work on today?

  2. What will I work on tomorrow?

  3. What issues are blocking my progress?

Here’s an example of what a daily post would look like:

" Day 1 -

1. Today, I worked on Content Delivery under Cloud Fundamentals

2. Tomorrow I plan to work on Security under Cloud Fundamentals

3. Not understanding how to create a VPC is blocking my progress"

4️⃣ Support one another as a team! 🤝

  • Applaud those who post any wins! For example, if someone posts; 'Yesterday, I finally completed lesson 3!', you can leave an emoji under their daily update or reply to them directly!

  • Motivate anyone who might be struggling! See if you can offer advice for blockers or even a sympathetic ear!

5️⃣ When you've successfully completed the 60-day Challenge, post that you're done in our #ice-breakers channel.

⚠️ General Guidelines ⚠️

  • You must do a DAILY check-in about your progress in the Challenge Course in #60DaysOfUdacity Slack Channel in the format above each day except for two (4) "off-days" of your choice. Start posting the day you sign-up! :)

You may choose to exercise 4 "off-days" during the 60 Day Challenge at any time you'd like. You will not have to post a check-in on those days.

  • In your daily check-in post, please keep your message focused on your progress in the Udacity classroom!

  • You can choose to make the daily check-in post at any time that's convenient for you. We do recommend making an effort to check in at roughly the same time every day to give yourself the best chance of making it a habit!

  • Everyone who signs up for the 60-day commitment should consider themselves part of one big team!

  • Encouragement to your fellow scholars can be as simple as a positive emoji! 👍🔥

  • To participate in the 60-day challenge, please start before June 6th, 2022.

  • You've completed the challenge once you've hit the 60-day mark! Of course, you're welcome to keep us updated in the channel even after that. How long could your streak go??

  • When you successfully finish your commitment, let us know about it through the ice-breakers channel!

  • You can set up a daily reminder in Slack for your check-in! First, open a DM (direct message) conversation with Slackbot, then paste the following (without the quotes): "/remind me at XX AM every day to Post daily check-in for the 60-day challenge in #60DaysOfUdacity channel". And you're all set! Replace "XX AM" with the regular time you'd like to make your daily check-in post.

It all starts with a making a commitment! ✨