The Citi Scholarship Program

Archived Announcements - Oct 2022

🗞 Stay up to date on all the latest program news and events 🗞

Oct1 2022

Mai.Community Manager.Udacity 8:06 AM

Hey, @everyone! Happy Monday. Join these project channels for a chance to get support from your peers and SLs:

Oct 3 2022

Mai.Community Manager.Udacity 2:42 PM

Hi, @everyone! This morning, we DMed you all important updates about when the applications will open. Your responses made our day!

If you're still struggling with Projects 4 and 5, remember that you can move ahead in your classroom content and finish other projects. After you move ahead in the relational databases portion in your classroom, you can get back to the Java projects any time.

More support on these two projects is coming to you real soon! Thank you all for your patience and happy learning!

Oct 5 2022

Mai.Community Manager.Udacity 9:39 AM

Hey, scholars! It’s time to announce our new Community Initiative! On October. 10th, we are starting our Students’ Stories Challenge.

Throughout this challenge, we offer you a chance to share your story, including both the wins and the losses, with the team at Udacity and your peers here. These stories will be shared in a form and you will find all the details here on our Google Site. @everyone

More details to come will be posted here! Cannot wait for October. 10th!

Oct 10 2022

It is officially Day 1 of our #StudentsStories challenge! @everyone

You can now share your story, including both the wins and the losses that ultimately led you here and what you hope to do with your new found skills!

Every student that submits their story will have a chance at being featured on the Citi Scholarship Site AND get a SWAG reward from Udacity! Additionally, the top stories will be shared with the Citi team & will be featured on our Udacity site!

You can submit your stories until October 31st, 11:59pm EST Find more info HERE!

Oct 17 2022

Mai.Community Manager.Udacity 10:06 AM

It is been a week since we launched our #StudentsStories Challenge and we cannot wait to see all of your responses.

Remember that you can now share your story, including both the wins and the losses that ultimately led you here and what you hope to do with your new found skills!

This will give a chance to get featured on the Citi Community Site. Additionally, the top stories will be shared with the Citi Scholarship team & will be featured on Udacity You will also get a chance to win a Udacity swag if your story wins!

You can submit your stories until October 31st, 11:59pm EST Find more info HERE! @everyone

Oct 18 2022

Hey, @everyone! We know how hard you’re all working on P6 Udasecurity. HERE is a link for a support session on that project. Let us know if you need more support to finish your projects.

Oct 25 2022

Good morning, awesome scholars! Let’s keep submitting our stories.

Your Students’ Stories challenge is all about inspiration and making this community a place where we share openly and encourage one another.

What stories can I submit?

  • Submit a story about your life and share anything that comes to your mind! Feel free to share something that would inspire others. You can tell us: Who were you in the past? And who are you today as a result of your past? What obstacles or difficulties (big or small!) did you face, and how did that inform the person you are today? What led you to the Citi Scholarship Program? And, who do you hope to be in the future as a result of this scholarship program?

Where can I submit my story?

  • Submit your story in this form and add a picture of yourself.

What happens after I submit my story?

  • The best story based on the voting that will take place here will be shared on our Google Site.

  • You will receive a consent form to approve that your story would be shared with the Udacity team.

We cannot wait to read your amazing stories! @everyone

Oct 26 2022

Ren.Udacity 9:00 AM

Hey Scholars

We are brainstorming ways to offer more support to help you all finish strong in the course. Could you take a brief anonymous survey on your experience in the program and needed areas of support, please?