The Citi Scholarship Program

Archived Announcements - June 2022

🗞 Stay up to date on all the latest program news and events 🗞

August 1, 2022

Shoutout to our champs,

@Ibrahima S Barry and @Ebillson GRAND JEAN for their commitment on our #06-60-days-of-udacity channel for the 60 Days of Udacity challenge. We appreciate your hard work and consistency. :blob-clap:

@everyone, our 60 Days of Udacity is about to come to an end in a few days, so remember to post your updates and keep the channel fun with your daily posts. :meow_code:


Good morning again, champs! We have one graduate in our scholarship program. Join our #08-wall-of-graduates today to find out who it is. @everyone :sunglasses::meow_attention: (edited)

Aug 2, 2022

Mai.Community Manager.Udacity

8:02 AM

Shoutout to

@Mauricio Naranjo

for being our first graduate in this scholarship program! :party_blob::blob-clap: @everyone Head to #08-wall-of-graduates to see Mauricio’s post! Can’t wait for you all to graduate! :two_hearts:








Mai.Community Manager.Udacity 12:24 PM

Can’t wait for our event today @ 5:30pm! New York Time! The event link will be sent out 15 mins prior to our meeting. Who’s excited? :dancer::skin-tone-2::dancer::skin-tone-2::dancer::skin-tone-2::tada:



Hey, @everyone! Our event will start in exactly 15 minutes. Here’s the link for it: See you all there! :star-struck::two_hearts:


@Kudirat Alimi - Students Council


@Samuel Oghogho

just joined the event! Join the fun, you guys!


A huge thank you to everyone who joined us today in the event! There will be more events like these; cannot wait for that! :star-struck::party_blob: @channel Here are two cool screenshots from our conversations.

If you’ve taken any photos, share them with us! :two_hearts:

Aug 7, 2022

Mai.Community Manager.Udacity

7:13 AM

@everyone Good morning, scholars! Here is the recording of the June 30th event with Citi: :black_circle_for_record:

Topic: A Day in the Life

(Passcode: $n&?xV*2)

You all should be able to download the recording as well!

Aug 8, 2022

Mai.Community Manager.Udacity

9:54 AM

Shoutout to

@Ebillson GRAND JEAN

, @everyone! :100:

Ebilsson has been super committed in our #06-60-days-of-udacity challenge and has finally finished his 60 Days of daily practice. He has even gone beyond 60 days and is now recording his 61st day! Let’s support our awesome team player right here. :party_blob::blob-clap:

Aug 14, 2022

Mai.Community Manager.Udacity

7:25 AM

Hey, @everyone! We are super excited about creating another Community event for you all! The upcoming event is called “A Day of Learning” and it’ll revolve the technical concepts you’re currently studying. :spiral_calendar_pad: To help make this event a huge success for you all, please vote for your preferred timing by responding to the poll below in our #03_icebreakerschannel:

Aug 16, 2022


8:30 AM

Hey @everyone! We've created the #09-resources channel for you to share things that have helped you understand material and develop professionally. :nerd_face:

Articles, GitHubs repos, videos, career events - Anything that has helped you on your journey of becoming a developer, feel free to share with your fellow scholars! :books::raised_hands:

I'm looking forward to seeing what we bring together. :partying_face:

Aug 25, 2022

Mai.Community Manager.Udacity

7:56 AM

:spiral_calendar_pad:A Day of Learning Event:spiral_calendar_pad:

Good morning, @everyone! I am more than happy to announce that next Wednesday the 30th of August, we will be a hosting A Day of Learning event on our #05_tech_help channel from 5:00 to 7:00pm New York Time. Here is how the event will go:

On our #05_tech_help channel, we will dedicate two hours to answer any technical questions you might have.

Our Students’ Council members will help with answering these questions.

We are also open for volunteering opportunities, so if you’d like to lead this event and help your peers, reach out to me via DM before Tuesday August 29th.

Looking forward to all the learning we will share! :partying_face: