Inspire the World with your Learning Journey

We want to help the world hear about your learning journey. Over the next two weeks, we encourage you to share a Medium blog post your learning journey using the template and resources below. This is a chance to inspire other learners, and provide guidance and support to ensure that others can achieve their dreams as you have. This is also a chance to communicate and express your value, your talents, your career-ready skills, to prospective employers, and your professional network.


Over the next two weeks, the Udacity Grow with Google Scholarship will be hosting a Student Story Challenge. We invite you to write, post and share your learning journey with the world. The most inspirational stories, those that are an expression of your grit, determination, talent, self-motivation and goal-oriented mindset, will be featured on the Udacity blog and receive a scholarship to a Nanodegree of their choice.

*Please note*, prior to publishing on the Udacity blog, you'll work with our writing team to copyedit your post, in order to ensure we're showcasing your very best work*

STEP 1: Write your Post and Publish it on Medium

Start by writing your post and publishing it on Medium. You can use the template and resources below to help you as you write. *Please note*, prior to publishing on the Udacity blog, you'll work with our writing team to copyedit your post, in order to ensure we're showcasing your very best work! Please fill out the form and include the link to your post.

Part 1: The Start of the Journey

Why did you decide to apply for the scholarship program? What were your goals for participating in the program?

Part 2: What Was Accomplished Along the Way

As you progressed through the program, were certain things easier than expected? Conversely, were there hurdles you didn't expect to have to face, or that were more challenging than you expected? How did it feel when you successfully completed something? And how did you work through problems when you got stuck?

Part 3: Reflection on your Journey

How do you feel now that you've completed the program? Are there things you're proud of? Are there things you regret? What would you do differently if you had the chance? Did you surprise yourself along the way? Etc.


Once you’ve told your story and published it on Medium, the next step is to share your experience with others. We encourage you to post your Medium blog to LinkedIn or Facebook. Sharing on social media is a great way to share what you’ve learned with your wider network. You can use the hashtag #googleudacityscholars so your classmates can find your post!


Finally, once you have completed your Medium post and have added it to social media, please fill out the form linked below. This will allow us to have a log of all of the Medium posts that scholars posted and ensures that yours does not get lost!

*Submit your blog by November 18th*

If you are not submitting a story but would like to cheer your classmates on, make sure to read their story and give them a 👏.