Cohort Challenge PROGRAM

Welcome to the Cohort Challenge Program!

On this page, you’ll find information about cohorts, challenges, and points, so you can participate in the program, watch your team advance on the Cohort leaderboard, and utilize the resources that will help you finish your Nanodegree! With solid participation and the right strategy, your cohort could be the one that walks away with top honors proudly sporting Udacity swag!

Here are the deets:

Cohorts must complete bi-weekly challenges to earn points. Our cohort leaderboard will show the cohort point standings at the end of every week. The cohort with the most points at the end of the challenge program will earn Udacity swag for every member of their cohort! In the event of a tie, the cohort with the most number of graduates when the cohort challenge program ends on October 14th will be declared the winning cohort.

See details on the current Cohort Challenge here.


  • You can find a list of all cohorts below. If your cohort is not listed below, please DM Kelsey (Kelsey.Udacity) and Brenda (Brenda.Udacity)
  • If you would like to join a cohort, click this link and follow the instructions
  • The Cohort Challenge program is completely voluntary. Your cohort can elect to complete all of the challenges, some of the challenges, or decide to opt out completely.
  • Cohorts who participate in the program must have at least 3 members and no more than 15 members
  • Cohorts should have a team name, an image that represents them, a team captain, and a Slack team channel in order to participate
  • Cohorts may join in during any part of the challenge program
  • For those that are in more than one cohort - First, please make sure you have the bandwidth for both! Next, let your cohorts know so they are not taken by surprise. Last, decide ahead of time which cohort you would like your points to go to for the Challenges that are based on individual contributions as we can't give your points to both cohorts or split them. Thanks!


  • Challenges will be announced on a bi-weekly basis starting Monday June 25th
  • Challenges will be put in the #announcements Slack channel and also on the Challenge Details page here
  • Cohorts will have 14 days to complete a challenge after it is announced, unless otherwise noted
  • There will be a total of six (6) bi-weekly challenges and three (3) biggie challenges. Each challenge will be worth a different set of points based on the level of difficulty.
  • Each challenge must be completed during the challenge time frame. If your team is psychic and completed a challenge before it was announced, you will not be able to claim any points. You must fulfill the challenge again during the challenge time frame to receive points. Think of it as reinforcing the learnings to ensure you will finish your Nanodegree and go on to a bigger and brighter future!
  • All cohorts who earn points for completing a challenge will appear on the Cohort Leaderboard


  • Once a challenge has been completed, the team captain will be responsible for filling out the challenge completion survey form. A link to each week’s completion form will be included in the challenge announcement
  • The deadline to submit the form will be 11:59 PM PT/midnight 14 days after the challenge begins, unless otherwise noted
  • If a cohort completes a challenge and turns in their form within 7 days of the challenge being announced, they will be awarded an extra 10 points
  • Challenge points will automatically be calculated when filling out the completion form
  • If the form is not turned in by the deadline, the cohort will not receive any points - even if the challenge was completed before the deadline
  • Points are not retroactive! Meaning if your cohort completed a challenge before it was announced, you cannot go back and claim those points
  • If your team captain is sick, another team member can submit the form but it must be done before the deadline!
  • Each cohort’s point standings will be reflected on the leaderboard that will reside on the Grow with Google site

Good luck to all of our cohorts!


  • Code deFENDers - Matt S (FEND)
  • Space City Coders - Erica Lehotzky + @Lou
  • Midwest Tech - Rachel B + Dannygsmith
  • Code Warriors [FEND] - Amy [FEND]
  • Midnight Coffee - @Jacob Olson [FEND]
  • Boston Strong - Julian [FEND]
  • West Coast Best Coast - Nettie [FEND]
  • Hurri-Coders - OperUponaDream
  • East Coast Fenders: Sarah Roberts
  • Keystone Coders - @Sara Krum
  • Rising Tide - smadonna1986 [FEND]
  • Capital Coders - Tracy F
  • Prosper Fend- Zacariah Col
  • Fendtastic - Anavee
  • Amazing CODEhort - Carlos
  • Don't FEND for yourselves!
  • Electric Thunder Nodes - @Malak
  • Super Sloths
  • Mind + Heart - Jamila
  • ATL Code Framers - LibbyC {FEND}
  • Undefined 1 - @Matt Cool + LauraT [FEND]
  • Kraken Coders - Matthew Cranford [FEND]
  • LA Fender Benders - Histef (FEND)
  • willCodeForCoffee - Cindy Bischof


  • Optimize Prime - Decisa
  • Pacific Coders - Joemc
  • Always Handy - Jon F
  • Web Workers - prowebsive (MWS)
  • League of Extraordinary Developers - Jota Sprout, MWS


  • Angry Nerds - The Bailey Brew
  • Hungry Like the Wolf - Brooke Perry
  • Androidians - Catie Lynn
  • The Band - Joseph [ABND]
  • DroidPool - Marc G
  • Gr8tst Coders of all time - Daniela Beck
  • Nerd Herders - Miriam E.
  • Codeland Ini - Ubom in Ga
  • Java the hutt - Michelle Tan
  • Jet City Coders @Gwen in WA [ABND]
  • Tesseract - Chrisey
  • Androidvengers - Nag Iaa
  • String - Nae
  • Code Creators - Kianna


  • wANDerers - Anujap
  • The Warriors - awkonecki
  • Jumping POJO Sticks - @Sepideh (AND)
  • Code Monkeys - @Jakeys
  • Rocking Turtles - - Dorota
  • FaM - Lalabel (AND)
  • Gradle_gangs - Oliver H


  • Night Owls - Laurette L.