April Announcements

4/30/18 Announcement:

Join a Cohort!

We know that Slack can be overwhelming and it may seem difficult to find a group of students to work with. We heard your feedback from Phase 1 and today we are launching our Cohort program. If you are interested in studying with a smaller group of students, we encourage you to *sign up for a cohort*! Students will be grouped based on location, time zone and availability. If you sign up on or before May 3rd, we will have you grouped by May 7th. This is a rolling program, so if you sign up later you will still be grouped, but you may not be grouped with students in the same area or timezone. Click here to sign up!

Want a Study Buddy?

Are you interested in studying with one other student? Sign up for the in.Tandem program to be paired with a study buddy! We hope these study buddies will provide you with the support, encouragement, and help you need. You will be paired based on location, time zone and availability. Don’t worry, you can sign up for both in.Tandem and cohorts if you want to! Sign up here.

4/24/18 Announcement:

Join your Track Channels

Make sure to join your track specific channels! Click Channels + (plus sign) in left nav to search & join!

  • Android Basics: #abnd | Android Basics Live Help: #abnd_live_help
  • Android Dev: #and | Android Dev Live Help: #and_live_help
  • Front End: #fend | Front End Live Help: #fend_live_help
  • Mobile Web: #mws | Mobile Web Live Help: #mws_live_help

Meet Ups

Hosting a meet up? Make sure to fill out the meet up form! Information that is inputted will automatically be added to the Grow with Google calendar on the website and a meet up spreadsheet. Once the meet up is over, make sure to post a debrief in the #meet_ups channel. You can choose the frequency of your meeting in the form - if it is weekly you do not need to input separate events. If your meeting is inputted as weekly, though, we will assume that the meeting is to be repeated same day, time and location every week.

If you would like to join a meet up, you can look at the calendar on the website or check out the meet ups spreadsheet.


4/23/18 Announcement:


Brenda, Kelsey, and Kathleen will be hosting a live Orientation webinar on Tuesday, April 24 from 3pm-4pm PT. You can tune in at https://youtu.be/Bn53sMTz_xU.

We will be sharing important information about how Phase 2 will work, including how to submit projects, project deadlines, resources, events, and other fun information that will help you succeed over the next 6 months. If you cannot attend Orientation, it will be recorded and available at the link above.

After Orientation, there will be an optional “happy hour” in Slack starting at 4pm PT where you’ll have the chance to get to know your new peers.

Office Hours

We know you’ll have lots of questions heading into Phase 2, so we’re hosting a few Office Hours this week in #office_hours (channel will open tomorrow). Prior to Office Hours, we ask that you attend/watch the Orientation Webinar since we will try to cover most commonly asked questions there. If you still have questions after watching the webinar and visiting the Google site, join us on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday to get answers!

Office Hours schedule for this week:

  • Wednesday, April 25 from 5pm to 6pm PT
  • Thursday, April 26 from 5pm to 6pm PT
  • Friday, April 27 from 8am to 9am PT

Career / Professional Updates

Got a promotion? Heard from a recruiter? Took on a big new technical project at work? We want to hear about it! We know many of you are here because you want to grow or pivot in your careers, so please share your updates with us! DM any of the Community Managers (@Kathleen.Udacity, @Brenda.Udacity, @Kelsey.Udacity) with details - we want to celebrate your wins, both big and small!

Wrong Course in Your Classroom

We are aware that some students had the wrong course added to their classroom. We apologize for this glitch, and we are working on fixing it so everyone can start on time and in the correct course starting April 24th! If you log in to your classroom tomorrow and still don’t see the correct Nanodegree, please DM one of the Community Managers. Please note that it will take several days for the incorrect Nanodegree to no longer appear in your classroom, so you may see both courses for a short period.