This collaborative project is an ongoing collective archive of interviews with feminist experimental filmmakers started in 2017 by feminist filmmaking students at UC Santa Cruz and UC Davis. Our students were invited to each select a filmmaker, research their work in detail, and invite the filmmaker to have a conversation with them. We encouraged our students to think about things like how to find their own creative role models, how to learn from listening, and how to learn from intergenerational feminist conversation. Most (though not all!) of these makers personally identify as both feminist and experimental makers, and many of these conversations invite the filmmakers to respond directly to those labels–sometimes in complicated ways. We hope that, over time, this website can continue to grow into a database and resource for others hoping to learn more about feminist filmmaking!

Learn more about how to contribute to the archive!

Read more about this project:

FEMEXFILMARCHIVE in Feminist Media Histories, Vol. 5, Number 4, October 2019

In Conversation/ FemExFilm Archive with Benjamin Schultz-Figueroa in The Brooklyn Rail, March 2018

This project was initiated by students working with Irene Lusztig and Julie Wyman; Image: still from Athyrium filix-femina (for Anna Atkins) by Kelly Egan