Evidence Based Interventions

What are Evidence Based Interventions (EBI)?

Evidence-based interventions (EBI) are treatments that have been proven effective (to some degree) through outcome evaluations. As such, EBI are treatments that are likely to be effective in changing target behavior if implemented with integrity.

Reasons for Negative Behavior

Identify the most likely reason for the student’s behavior when selecting the behavior intervention.

Acquisition: The student needs help learning the appropriate behavior

Proficiency (Get Something): The student can do the correct behavior, but something needs to change to make that happen

Proficiency (Escape Something): The student can do the correct behavior, but something needs to change to make that happen

Generalization Interventions: The student needs help doing the behavior in a new setting, time or manner.

Class-wide Interventions: It is a small group or class wide problem

Evidence Based Practices.xlsx
Evidence Based Practices Matrix.pdf