
Post #6

Hello and welcome back to my blog, Today I read "8 Types of Survey Questions to Get You All the Data You Need" written by Nemanja Jovancic and also "Writing Good Survey Questions Tips & Advice" by UCSD Student Research and Information. Both of these reseources had very helpful and informative advice for what kinds of questions to ask and how to ask them . They also touch on important things to avout when forming a survey. For example, Jovancic warns agains double bareled questions which "ask about two or more topics but leave room for a single answer." I hadn't goven this much thought before because asking a regular question with two topics is ok since they can answer both. However from a surveying perspective, I realize would be malpractice because such questions would cause confusion in the surveyed individual and corrupt survey results. The other resource also points out how we should avoid asking leading questions. At first glance, the 'problematic' leading questions seemed fine to me, but after further analysis, I realised how such questions could influence the responders' answeres and yield biased results. Overall, I found all of these guidelined and pieces of advice very constructive to my surveying abilities and I am looking forward to putting this information to use when I officially finalize and release my survey for this class research prohect.