
Post #10

Hello and welcome back to my blog. This entry will be my final blog post of the quarter. Today I read "Reflective Writing and the Revision Process: What Were You Thinking?" by Sandra L. Giles. In this article by Giles, she talks about her experieces with reflection over the years and how her relationship with it has grown and changed her as a writer. Near the end of the article, she sums up the core purpose of reflection perfectly. Giles states, "To revise is to re-vision or re-see, to re-think these issues, but you have to create a critical distance to be able to imagine your piece done another way. Reflection helps you create that distance." I totally agree with this statement. There is only so much change you can bring to your writing by starting at the words on the page and thinking of ways you can improve it. In order to really think of ways to better your writing, you need to take a step back and think of your writing from a different perspective, like reflection for example. You could think about why you are writing about whatever topic you chose, why you made the choices in your essays. This thought process of reflection is an essential piece of the writing process that will allow you to improve as a writer and thinker.