
Post 2

Hello! Today I read the chapter “From Topics to Questions” in The Craft of Research written by Wayne Booth, Gregory Colomb, and Joseph Williams. This chapter of the book discusses how to come up with a meaningful topic to write about, how to refine that topic, and then how to form relevant questions based on it. I find this reading very useful, as I have been someone who has had a history of struggling to find a topic throughout my years of research. Sometimes I was running out of time after considering too many different options and just went with the topic that had the most sources available so it would make my research easier. For this class, I am looking forward to researching and I think reading this chapter early on has got my ideas flowing so that I can craft a meaningful topic in time for the course. Also, it is easy to come up with a very broad topic. The real challenge is narrowing it down to just the right balance of focus and flexibility so that you can answer the question in time while still having meaningful data to analyze. I think that starting to research once you have a more focused topic is better than starting with a broad topic because a broad topic overwhelms you with the many different ways you can take. And even if your questions seem a bit narrow to write much about, as the authors stated, “you’ll make them richer as you work through your project.”