Education Learning Commons (ELC)

The Education Learning Commons (Ed North 3-104) provides an ideal learning environment for students, faculty, instructors and staff in the Faculty of Education to develop their critical digital literacies in the areas of teaching, learning, research and administration. We believe in discovery learning and, thanks to the variety of technology tools and services available, the ELC provides an excellent environment for this to happen.

The ELC is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. There is always someone on hand to provide technical assistance.



Specialized work stations:

Breakout Rooms

Need a quiet place to study? Looking for a space to meet with your group? The Education Learning Commons has what you need! We have breakout rooms you can book online:

Book a Breakout Room

Assignment Support

Instructors can ensure that the staff of the ELC are prepared to provide their students with the help they need by participating in the Customized Assignment Support Program (CASP). To participate in this program, instructors provide Technologies in Education with their assignments ahead of time and work with a staff member to determine the training and support needs of the students. Together, a plan of support is developed that custom fits the assignments and students. Instructors can then be assured that their students will have the technical support and guidance they need to complete their assignments.