Customized Assignment Support Program (CASP)

We're here to help Faculty members who are looking to integrate Technology into their assignments through our Customized Assignment Support Program (CASP). We understand how daunting a task that can be, which is why our Technologies in Education Consultants are here to help with your assignment build from start to finish.

Not only do we support you as the instructor, but Technologies in Education is also here for your students. Have them come into our lab (3-104 Ed North) and we will provide them with all the support they need. Let our knowledgeable staff work with your students to assist with the process.

The Customized Assignment Support Program (CASP) is designed to provide students with the technical help they need to successfully complete assignments. Instructors consult with Technologies in Education about their assignments and work with a staff member to determine the training and support needs of the students. Together, a customized plan is developed for the assignment. Tutorial materials can be provided and embedded in the assignment description and students can be directed to the ELC where the staff will be familiar with the assignment and prepared to support the technologies involved.

To participate in this program

  1. Submit a request : CASP Request Form (it is best to contact us before you have finalized the assignment so that relevant resources can be incorporated).

  2. Technologies in Education will contact you to discuss your assignment and the training and support needs.

  3. Embed the provided resources into your assignment instructions.

  4. Send your students to the ELC for technical support and guidance.

Examples of assignments supported through CASP:

  • Creating and editing videos for instruction, for self evaluation and reflection, for storytelling, for online presentations, and even for building a mobile app.

  • Uploading and sharing videos through students’ U of A YouTube accounts.

  • Creating ePortfolios using Mahara.

  • Developing instructional web pages.

CASP testimonials

Jonathan Anuik (Assistant Professor, Theoretical, Cultural and International Studies in Education Coordinator)

In my courses Concepts of Childhood in History and EDU 100 in Winter 2015, I had students create digital stories on the Faculty of Education's 2014-2015 Book of the Year Indian Horse: A Novel by Richard Wagamese. The assignment description follows (feel free to use what you like and let me know if you need more information).

I completed the online form. This digital story assignment has been an assessment component in two of my undergraduate classes since 2012. I have always used the CASP when I have given the assignment. And I have always completed the form. The Technology in Education staff have followed up with me with any questions they had after I submitted the completed form.

Students report the Technologies in Education staff were quite helpful. In one case, the staff saved a digital story after students thought it was lost in cyberspace:-)!

Very easy, the staff are great communicators!

Meridith Lovell (Taught EDEL 305 and 407)

In the winter of 2013, I had the idea to do some digital storytelling with my students but unfortunately, the app that I was planning to use did not work as expected. I contacted the then Ed Tech Services office about my problem. I received a very timely response and offer to meet to discuss my needs. I was impressed by the fact that James, particularly, had researched multiple options for websites and applications and took the time to speak knowledgeably about the benefits and drawbacks of each. In the end, we decided on the use of Voicethread, which was not the type of program that I had originally intended, but was versatile, easy for my students to use, and resulted in very high-quality, diverse projects from my students. We were all impressed with the results. In subsequent years, I contacted James directly and he was always ready to help set up times and to ensure that student and staff helpers were available in case my students ran into difficulty.

I have recommended the services of this department to numerous colleagues and I know that James has always been excited to put other instructors in touch with me when they were considering doing digital projects of their own and wanted ideas. I have really appreciated the level of care and service I have received.