Welcome to the MSA!
Established in 1914, the Medical Students' Association (MSA) is the elected governing body which oversees the interests of all medical students at the University of Alberta. Our organization's mandate is to serve as a liaison between medical students and the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, as well as groups external to the University of Alberta and the surrounding community. Above all, our members contribute to a thriving medical community which participates in social, academic, and athletic events.
Browse through our website to learn more about the MSA and the individuals who are involved, discover what's going on and how you can get involved, and find valuable information and resources!
MSA Mission
University of Alberta Medical Students' Association Aim
The overall aim of the University of Alberta Medical Students' Association is to deal with all matters pertaining to the philosophical, educational, and social activities of the medical student body.
University of Alberta Medical Students' Association Objectives
To act as the representative voice of medical students on any topic and to expose members of the MSA to their social and academic responsibilities as medical students and future doctors, through whatsoever means are possible;
To be a means of communication between the medical student body and the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry (FoMD), the Undergraduate Medical Education (UME), Alberta Medical Association (AMA), Canadian Medical Association (CMA), Canadian Federation of Medical Students (CFMS/FEMC), University of Alberta Students' Union (UASU), or any other body;
To organize academic, athletic and social activities for the medical student body;
To maintain the medical students' reading and recreation facilities;
To promote a positive community image for medical students through community involvement.
To represent the views of all students in the FoMD, including students in the Medicine (MD), Dentistry (DDS), Dental Hygiene (DH), Radiation Therapy (RT), and Medical Laboratory Science (MLS) programs through the UASU, specifically the Council of Faculty Associations (COFA).