Clubs and Initiatives

Browse this section to find out how you can get involved in various activities run by medical students.

Clubs and Interest Groups - The MSA has over 50 student-run clubs and interest groups. They range from the ballroom dancing club, to the vascular surgery club to even our very own club for foodies with everything in between. You can find out more information about each club by clicking on their page.

Student Initiatives - Medical students run a huge range of student initiatives both within our school and the community. This section includes everything that doesn't quite fit into the other categories, including community outreach, advocacy, student support programs and  promotion of health or careers in healthcare. 

Political Advocacy - The Government Affairs and Advocacy Committee (GAAC) provides a platform for students to advocate to both the provincial and federal governments on issues related to healthcare and medical education.

MD Interview Committee - Every year, a devoted group of first year medical students help run the MD interviews with the MD admissions team, to ensure that future students have the most positive experience on their interview day.

Bench to Bedside Students Association - This unique program pairs medical students with graduate students, providing both with the opportunity to share their perspectives and knowledge on translational research, and foster a collaborative environment between researchers and clinicians. This program, spearheaded in 2019, continues to grow and provides medical students with the experiences and perspectives to gain a more holistic view of medical research and clinical science.