MMI Weekend Legacy Video Commitee

The MMI Legacy Video is a long tradition at medical schools across Canada. It is a video that acknowledges the challenging path to medical school admissions, and aims to bring humour to the application process. Within the video, we aim to communicate the values of our school, including the successful applications of diverse populations into the MD Program. The video is a huge project to pull off and requires support and involvement from the entire committee and class. Below is the 2025 committee! Feel free to reach out for any questions, support and guidance!

Class of 2025 Committee (for 2022 MMI Video): 

Project Lead - Brandon Te (

Videography - Brandon Te, Aspen Lillywhite and Sahra Kaahiye 

Editors - Brandon Te & Hassan Syed 

Script Lead - Nicolas Linden 

Casting Co-Leads - Megan Pohl and John Nykyforuk 

Music/Audio Recording - Brandon Te, Brannon Rammel and Kurt Ebeling 

MDASIC - Michelle Yuan and Darya Abdolmaleki 

General Volunteers - Arsenije Subotic, Angie Hu, Ryleigh Vanderschee, Ashraf Aborawi, Nick Massaro, Sagar Grewal, Jen Park, Sarah Willette, Isabelle Bernard, Carmen Ng, Daniel Major 

For more information on this project and important dates/timelines, please refer to this document below

MMI 2023 Legacy Video Subcommittee Handover