Canadian Doctors for Medicare

Canadian Doctors for Medicare (CDM) strives to provide a voice for Canadian doctors who want to strengthen and improve Canada's universal publicly-funded health care system by advocating for innovations in treatment and prevention services that are evidence-based and improve access, quality, equity and sustainability. The University of Alberta student chapter will foster improved education around health system issues for medical students, engage member students in health care projects, as well as provide training and mentorship to students who show a passion for health policy and health systems management. The chapter will be involved in the following activities: hosting information talks/workshops, organizing lobbying efforts, producing publishable content for media platforms, as well as supporting the national CDM goals and projects 


2021/22 Leaders                                                                                   

Vaishvi Patel 

Kiera Keglowitsch 

2020/21 Leaders                                                                                     

Mikayla Gray                                                                                                 

Emily Maplethorpe