Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Student Society (AIMSS)

Founded in 2019 by two medical students, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Student Society (AIMSS) works to inform and educate University of Alberta students on the applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in medicine. We have over 300 members from various faculties including medicine, sciences, and engineering. Each year we host the AI in Healthcare Symposium, an educational AI in Medicine course, regular talks, workshops, and social/networking events, all featuring world-renowned researchers and experts. AIMSS is currently expanding across North America with chapters in UofA, UBC, UofT, USask, UMontreal, UCalgary, Dalhousie, and very soon within the United States. For more information and to become a member, please visit our website at No prior experience or education is needed to become a member with us, only an interest in AI/ML and medicine.

Contact Info:

General Contact: 

2023/24 Leaders

Micheal Xie                                                                                                                 

Brody Jackson 

2022/23 Leaders

Leader:  Ehsan Misaghi  (