Physical Exam Practice Club

Hi everyone, welcome to the Physical Exam Practice Club. Kelly and I have been put in charge of preparing you all for your OSCEs this year! OSCEs are Objective Structured Clinical Examinations and are scattered throughout every year of medical training. OSCEs are a practical way to assess your communication, physical exam skills, and clinical knowledge. Our club is a peer-led practice club aiming to prepare you for these exams and solidify your knowledge in these areas. We will do our best to give you an introduction to the OSCE, provide additional materials to master the process, as well as organize review and practice sessions to make sure you're at your best when the exams come around.

Without rambling any more, I want to wrap up by saying that we look forward to sharing our knowledge with you and helping prepare you for the OSCEs and with your general physical exam skills moving forward. If you have any questions or concerns surrounding anything that I've mentioned thus far, feel free to contact Kelly or myself and we will be happy to help!