North of 60 (N60) Medicine Club

The North of 60 Medicine Club aims to broaden the knowledge of students by exposing them to diverse (rural, remote, northern, and indigenous) populations. It also aims to address gaps in healthcare in northern Canada, by promoting opportunities for careers and research in the North to medical students. Events may include informational sessions with Elders and northern physicians as well as a northern training weekend in one of the territories. These events will provide a scope for what the patient population looks like, what health disparities/challenges exist in northern communities, and what healthcare career options are available in the north. In previous years, N60 has taken a group of students to Yellowknife for a northern training weekend. In partnership with the Institute for Circumpolar Health (ICHR), physicians from Yellowknife, and Elders, the weekend gave students the opportunity to take part in discussions and hear from many different parties that come together to provide health and wellness initiatives in the north. Presentations from Dené Elders, physicians, and researchers maximize exposure to the climate of healthcare in the north throughout this weekend.

Some topics of discussion may include:

● The landscape of Healthcare in Canada’s Territories

● Indigenous perspectives on research

● A Day in the Life of a Physician in the North

● Information Systems in the North

● Information on residency programs and opportunities in the North

Club Leads

● Aline Halliday 

● Daniel DaRosa