Medical Students for Choice (MSFC)

Medical Students for Choice® (MSFC) is an internationally known organization with 10,000+ members at over 135 medical schools and residency programs across the US and Canada. The MSFC is committed to ensuring that medical students and residents receive the education they need to provide patients with comprehensive reproductive healthcare. The primary cause of the abortion provider shortage is lack of training. Medical students are not learning how to properly counsel patients navigating unintended pregnancies, or how to provide abortion services when required. MSFC hopes to change this by:

(1) Supporting medical student advocacy and programming

(2) Improving reproductive health curricula

(3) Providing opportunities for students to obtain training in abortion and family planning through a range of educational programs

At the University of Alberta chapter, we will host events such as clinical skills workshops (e.g., IUD Insertion, Manual Vacuum Aspiration), information sessions around lesser- known aspects of reproductive health care (e.g., rural abortion access, Indigenous reproductive health), and pro-choice media viewings. We hope to also connect students to the international MSFC community through promotion of events such as the Family Planning Conference and Abortion Training Institutes. Medical Students For Choice, believe that medical students should have clinical exposure to abortion care. Reproductive Health externships are available around North America and internationally, where externs spend at least two weeks in a clinic or clinics of their choice. These externships offer medical students financial assistance and opportunity to receive clinical exposure to reproductive care outside of their home institutions. Join MSFC’s international network of medical students fighting for the future of reproductive health care. Visit to learn more!

Your Team Leads,

Haley Frerichs (

Haley Morris (

Alyssa Wilkins (